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pilot-dlpsh - An interactive Desktop Link Protocol (DLP) Shell for your Palm device.


pilot-link: Tools


pilot-dlpsh [-p|--port <port>] [-c|--command STRING] [-i|--interactive] [--version]


pilot-dlpsh options
--command STRING

Execute cmd and exit immediately.

-i, --interactive

Enter interactive mode

Conduit Options
--port <

Use device file <port> to communicate with the Palm handheld. If this is not specified,
pilot-dlpsh will look for the $PILOTPORT environment variable. If the port is missing and
$PILOTPORT is not set, pilot-dlpsh will print the usage information.


Display the copyright information, version number, license details and build details and
exit without connecting.


pilot-dlpsh allows the user to connect to a Palm handheld and execute arbitrary DLP

pilot-dlpsh can query many different types of information from your Palm device, such as
username, memory capacity, set the time, as well as other useful functions.

Once connected, the user may execute most of the built-in DLP commands. (See BUILT-IN
COMMANDS below for more detail on currently supported options).

The connection to the Pilot is kept alive by sending a PadTickle packet to the Pilot after
a small period of non-activity. (7 seconds by default)


There are many options available while connected to your Palm handheld via pilot-dlpsh,
including the following:

user, u

Print the currently set User information, including Username, UserID, PCid, and ViewerID.
You may also set these values from this command as well. To set these values, simply pass
the value to the option, such as 'user John Q. Public' for example.


Used with -l and -r to provide long and RAM and ROM file lists, similar to (but slightly
different from) the Unix 'ls' command. This does not yet allow you to narrow your listing
to a certain range of files. It will simply list them all.


Display how much RAM and ROM is free on your device, again similar to the Unix 'df'
command. This does not accept arguments at this time.

ntp, time, dtp

Set the time on the Palm from the currently-set desktop time. This does not work on OS
version 3.3, due to a bug in PalmOS at that time.

rm, del

Remove a file and delete it entirely from the Palm device. This is an irrevokable process,
and you cannot "undelete" a file, once it has been deleted with this command.

quit, q, exit, bye

Exit the DLP Protocol Shell


Passing commandline options to pilot-dlpsh will allow you to interact with it in
unattended mode, for example: 'pilot-dlpsh -p usb: -c user' will connect and display the
user information, just as if you had connected interactively and typed 'user' at the DLP
shell prompt.


The program will connect to your Palm handheld and give the user an interactive prompt (a
"shell") for executing commands across the DLP HotSync protocol.

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