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plantuml - Online in the Cloud

Run plantuml in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command plantuml that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



plantuml - program to generate UML diagram from a text description


plantuml [options] files/dirs...


PlantUML is used to draw UML diagram, using a simple and human readable text description.

Notice that graphviz is required to be installed for generation of all diagrams but
sequence diagrams.

When files/directories are given, they are processed in batch mode. Otherwise GUI window
appears. It allows user to browse directories and view diagrams generated from suitable
files (must have one of the following extensions: .txt, .tex, .java, .htm, .html, .c, .h,

You can use the following wildcards in files/dirs:

* means any characters but '/'

? one and only one character but '/'

** means any characters (used to recurse through directories)


-tsvg Generate images using SVG format.

-output dir, -o dir
Generate images in the specified directory.

-config file
Read the provided config file before each diagram.

-charset xxx
Use a specific charset (default is UTF-8).

-exclude pattern, -x pattern
Exclude files that match the provided pattern.

Retrieve PlantUML sources from PNG images.

Display information about PlantUML and Java versions.

-verbose, -v
Have log information.

NOT delete temporary files after process.

-help, -h
Display help message.

Test the installation of graphviz.

-graphvizdot path
Specify dot path.

-pipe, -p
Use stdin for PlantUML source and stdout for PNG/SVG generation.

Compute the encoded URL of a PlantUML source file.

Retrieve the PlantUML source from an encoded URL.

Use plantuml online using onworks.net services

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