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sa-awl - Online in the Cloud

Run sa-awl in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command sa-awl that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sa-awl - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db


sa-awl [--clean] [--min n] [dbfile]


Check or clean a SpamAssassin auto-whitelist (AWL) database file.

The name of the file is specified after any options, as "dbfile". The default is


Clean out infrequently-used AWL entries. The "--min" switch can be used to select the
threshold at which entries are kept or deleted.

--min n
Select the threshold at which entries are kept or deleted when "--clean" is used. The
default is 2, so entries that have only been seen once are deleted.


The output looks like this:


For example:

0.0 (0.0/7) -- dawson@example.com|ip=208.192
21.8 (43.7/2) -- mcdaniel_2s2000@example.com|ip=200.106

"AVG" is the average score; "TOTSCORE" is the total score of all mails seen so far;
"COUNT" is the number of messages seen from that sender; "EMAIL" is the sender's email
address, and "IPBASE" is the AWL base IP address.

AWL base IP address is a way to identify the sender's IP address they frequently send
from, in an approximate way, but remaining hard for spammers to spoof. The algorithm is
as follows:

- take the last Received header that contains a public IP address -- namely
one which is not in private, unrouted IP space.

- chop off the last two octets, assuming that the user may be in an ISP's
dynamic address pool.

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