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vboxctrl - Online in the Cloud

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vboxctrl - control vbox functions


vboxctrl [{-c | -r}] {-a | -n | -p | -j} [-s spool]
vboxctrl -v


vboxctrl controls a number of vbox functions. The user's password is asked before
performing the requested action.

-c, --create
Creates a control file.

-r, --remove
Removes a control file (default).

-n, --answernow
Control file "vboxctrl-answernow".

-a, --answerall
Control file "vboxctrl-answerall".

-p, --stop
Control file "vboxctrl-stop".

-j, --reject
Control file "vboxctrl-reject".

-s, --spooldir
Spooldirectory in which to create/remove control files.

-v, --version
Displays package version.

-h, --help
Displays a usage message.

The spool directory is taken from one of the following:

1 the default builtin value

2 The value of the environment variable VBOXSPOOL, if set.

3 The directory of the command line option "--spooldir".

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