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gfsched - Online in the Cloud

Run gfsched in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command gfsched that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gfsched - schedule and display available file system nodes


gfsched -f gfarm-URL [-D domain-name] [-n number] [-LMOSclw]

gfsched [-P gfarm-URL] [-D domain-name] [-n number] [-LMOSlw]


The gfsched command with the -fgfarm-URL option displays available file system nodes which
have a file replica of the specified gfarm-URL.

When the -fgfarm-URL option is not specified, the gfsched command just displays available
file system nodes. In this case, you can specify a metadata server by the -Pgfarm-URL
option, if necessary.


-D domain-name
Limits file system node by specifying a domain name or a hostname.

Displays scheduling information for a file creation, if the file specified by -f
doesn't exist.

Currently, this option creates the specified file. But please note that this behavior
may be changed in future.

Suppresses authentication check. Without this option, the scheduler checks whether the
user will be successfully authenticated with the hosts or not. This option omits the
check to make scheduling faster, but that creates a risk that hosts which fail
authentication with the user may be scheduled.

Suppresses client-side scheduling and only performs metadata-server-side scheduling.
This option makes scheduling faster, but also creates a risk that hosts which is
network-unreachable or fails authentication with the user may be scheduled.

Displays filesystem nodes where the hosts are other than the host that the gfsched
command is running.

-P gfarm-URL
Specifies a gfarm-URL or a pathname to identify a metadata server which is used for
the scheduling. This option conflicts with the -f option.

Displays a filesystem node where the host is same with the host that the gfsched
command is running.

-f gfarm-URL
The gfsched command schedules file system nodes which have a replica of a file
specified by this option. This option conflicts with the -P option.

Long format. This option displays port numbers as well as hostnames. Note that the
display format of this option may be changed in future.

-n number
Displays specified number of file system nodes at most. If this option is not
specified, it displays all available nodes.

Schedules with write-mode. When this option is specified, file system nodes which
don't have enough free space won't be displayed.

When both this option and the -f are specified, and if the file is already opened by
an existing process with write-mode, the gfsched command only displays one file system
node which is assigned for writing to the file.

Displays a list of command options.


The following is an example to inquire file system nodes that the metadata server thinks
they are currently working.

$ gfsched -M

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