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mBgModel - Online in the Cloud

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mBgModel - Re-project and mosaic your images, with background rectification


mBgModel [-i niter] [-l(evel-only)] [-d level] [-r refimg] [-s statusfile] images.tbl
fits.tbl corrections.tbl


mBgModel is a modelling/fitting program. It uses the image-to-image difference parameter
table created by mFitExec to interactively determine a set of corrections to apply to each
image in order to achieve a "best" global fit.


-i -niter
Number of iterations (without switch, defaults to 5000). Can be between 1 and

-l Calculate level adjustments only (ie, don't attempt to match the slopes)

-d level
Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3).

-r refimg
Turns on additional debugging for the nth image in images.tbl.

-s statusfile
mBgModel output and errors are written to statusfile instead of to stdout.


Image metadata table generated by mImgtbl.

Plane fitting table generated by mFitExec.

Output table of background corrections


Output table containing corrections to be applied to each image.


OK [struct stat="OK"]

ERROR Argument for -i (string) cannot be interpreted as an integer

ERROR Number of iterations too small (niter). This parameter is normally around 5000.

ERROR Argument for -r (string) cannot be interpreted as an integer

ERROR Cannot open status file: statusfile

ERROR Failed to open output filename

ERROR Invalid image metadata file: filename

ERROR Need columns: cntr nl ns crpix1 crpix2 in image info file

ERROR malloc() failed (ImgInfo)

ERROR realloc() failed (ImgInfo)

ERROR Invalid background fit parameters file: filename

ERROR Need columns: plus minus a b c crpix1 crpix2 xmin xmax ymin ymax xcenter ycenter
npixel rms boxx boxy boxwidth boxheight boxang

ERROR malloc() failed (FitInfo)

ERROR realloc() failed (FitInfo)

ERROR malloc() failed (CorrInfo)

ERROR realloc() failed (CorrInfo)

ERROR Debug reference image out of range (0 - n)

ERROR Invalid fit type

ERROR Allocation failure in ivector()


After running mDiffExec to create a set of difference images in diffdir, we generate an
image difference table using mFitExec: sample fits.tbl.

$ mBgModel images.tbl fits.tbl corrections.tbl
[struct stat="OK"]

This results in the creation of corrections.tbl.

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