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mori.x - Online in the Cloud

Run mori.x in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command mori.x that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mori.x, mori-<num>d.x - star triangulations of a polytope P* in N


mori.x [-<Option-string>] [in-file [out-file]]


Mori cone of the corresponding toric ambient spaces intersection rings of embedded
(CY) hypersurfaces

The mori-<num>d.x variant programs, where <num> is one of 4, 5, 6 and 11 work in
different dimensions ; mori.x defaults to dimension 6.

Options (concatenate any number of them into <Option-string>):
-h print this information

-f use as filter

-g general output: triangulation and Stanley-Reisner ideal

-I incidence information of the facets (ignoring IPs of facets)

-m Mori generators of the ambient space

-P IP-simplices among points of P* (ignoring IPs of facets)

-K points of P* in Kreuzer polynomial form

-b arithmetic genera and Euler number

-i intersection ring

-c Chern classes of the (CY) hypersurface

-t triple intersection numbers

-d topological information on toric divisors & del Pezzo conditions

-a all of the above except h, f, I and K

-D lattice polytope points of P* as input (default CWS)

-H arbitrary (also non-CY) hypersurface `H = c1*D1 + c2*D2 + ...' input: coefficients
`c1 c2 ...'

-M manual input of triangulation

1) standard: degrees and weights `d1 w11 w12 ... d2 w21 w22 ...'

2) alternative (use -D): `d np' or `np d' (d=Dimension, np=#[points]) and (after newline)
np*d coordinates

as specified by options

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