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darkradiant - Online in the Cloud

Run darkradiant in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command darkradiant that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



DarkRadiant - the level editor for The Dark Mod


darkradiant [ options ] filename


DarkRadiant is a level editor for The Dark Mod. It loads and saves Doom 3-format *.map
files, making use of assets within a game installation tree.


Disable the sound manager module. This may be useful if there are problems with
sound devices on the system.

Override the configured fs_game value.

Override the configured fs_game_base value.

In order to allow maximum customisability by after-market mods, the id software game
engines use a three-directory system: the base directory, which is where the core
game assets are installed, and then two mod-specific directories known as fs_game
and fs_game_base. The intention is that fs_game_base is used for the common mod
assets, and fs_game is available for individual map authors to further customise
assets used in their own releases.

When editing Dark Mod missions, typically fs_game_base would be set to "darkmod",
with fs_game either left blank or set to the value associated with a particular map
author's own release.

These values are normally configured in preferences, but they can be overridden on
the command line if required.

Path to a map file to load. This may be either an absolute filesystem path, or a
mod-local path.

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