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fenix - Online in the Cloud

Run fenix in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command fenix that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



fenix - development environment for making 2D games


Fenix is an interpreted script programming language, especially
designed to developing and running 2D games. It has a full graphics
library, sound engine and full featured 2D game engine, making game
development extremely easy.

Its major features include:
* Fast sprite blitting with rotation, scaling, animation and
* Pixel perfect collision check
* Native PNG graphic support
* Parallax (2 planes) automated scroll routines
* Multiple clipping regions with or without scroll support
* MOD/XM/S3M/IT support through MIKMod
* Keyboard, mouse and joystick controller support
* 8 and 16 bits per pixel color depths
* Support for many different architectures
* Basic Pathfind routines
* Blendops in 16 bit color depth
* OGG sound support
* Interface for custom extensions
* Easy to learn

Fenix is distributed under GNU General Public License, so its source
code is available to anyone who wants to get it, extend it or change it
in any way fitting his/her own purpose.


Fenix consists of the following programs:

* fenix-fxc - compiler
* fenix-fxi - interpreter
* fenix-fpg - create packages of multiple images
* fenix-map - convert images to fenix native format (map)

Additionally, a binary program called just fenix will compile the game
and execute the resulting bytecode "on the fly".

Use fenix online using onworks.net services

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