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mtn - Online in the Cloud

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monotone - a distributed version control system


mtn [options...] command [arguments...]


monotone is a highly reliable, very customizable distributed version control system that
provides lightweight branches, history-sensitive merging and a flexible trust setup.
monotone has an easy-to-learn command set and comes with a rich interface for scripting
purposes and thorough documentation.

For more information on monotone, visit http://www.monotone.ca.

The complete documentation, including a tutorial for a quick start with the system, can be
found online on http://www.monotone.ca/docs.


--confdir <arg> set location of configuration directory

--date-format <arg> strftime(3) format specification for printing dates

--db [ -d ] <arg> set name of database

--dump <arg> file to dump debugging log to, on failure

--help [ -h ] display help message

--ignore-suspend-certs / --no-ignore-suspend-certs
do not ignore revisions marked as suspended

--key [ -k ] <arg> / --use-default-key
sets the key for signatures, using either the key name or the key

--keydir <arg> set location of key store

--log <arg> file to write the log to

--no-builtin-rcfile / --builtin-rcfile
do not load the built-in lua file with the default hooks

--no-default-confdir / --allow-default-confdir
forbid use of the default confdir

--no-format-dates print date certs exactly as stored in the database

--no-standard-rcfiles / --standard-rcfiles
do not load '~/.monotone/monotonerc' or '_MTN/monotonerc' lua

--no-workspace / --allow-workspace
don't look for a workspace

--non-interactive / --interactive
do not prompt the user for input

--quiet [ -q ] decrease verbosity (undo previous '-v', then disable
informational output, then disable warnings)

--rcfile <arg> / --clear-rcfiles
load extra lua file

--root <arg> limit search for workspace to specified root

--ssh-sign <arg> controls use of ssh-agent. valid arguments are: 'yes' to use
ssh-agent to make signatures if possible, 'no' to force use of
monotone's internal code, 'only' to force use of ssh-agent,
'check' to sign with both and compare

--ticker <arg> set ticker style (count|dot|none)

--timestamps show timestamps in front of errors, warnings and progress

--verbose [ -v ] increase verbosity (undo previous '-q', and then enable debug

--version print version number, then exit

--xargs [ -@ ] <arg> insert command line arguments taken from the given file


command group 'automation'
Commands that aid in scripted execution.

automate ancestors REV1 [REV2 [REV3 [...]]]
Prints the ancestors of the given revisions.

automate ancestry_difference NEW_REV [OLD_REV1 [OLD_REV2 [...]]]
Lists the ancestors of the first revision given, not in the others.

automate branches
Prints all branch certs in the revision graph.

Adds a revision certificate.

automate certs REV
Prints all certificates attached to a revision.

automate checkout [DIRECTORY]
Checks out a revision from the database into a directory. If a revision is given,
that's the one that will be checked out. Otherwise, it will be the head of the branch
(given or implicit). If no directory is given, the branch name will be used as

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

automate children REV
Prints the children of a revision.

automate common_ancestors REV1 [REV2 [REV3 [...]]]
Prints revisions that are common ancestors of a list of revisions.

automate content_diff [FILE [...]]
Calculates diffs of files.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

reverse order of diff

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

--with-header / --without-header
show the matching cset in the diff header

automate descendents REV1 [REV2 [REV3 [...]]]
Prints the descendents of the given revisions.

automate drop_attribute PATH [KEY]
Drops an attribute or all of them from a certain path.

automate drop_db_variables DOMAIN [NAME]
Drops a database variable.

automate drop_public_key KEY_NAME_OR_HASH
Drops a public key.

automate erase_ancestors [REV1 [REV2 [REV3 [...]]]]
Erases the ancestors in a list of revisions.

automate erase_descendants [REV1 [REV2 [REV3 [...]]]]
Erases the descendants in a list of revisions.

Prints the results of the internal line merger, given two child revisions and file

automate generate_key KEY_NAME PASSPHRASE
Generates an RSA key-pair.

force genkey to not error out when the named key already exists

automate get_attributes PATH
Prints all attributes for the specified path. If an explicit revision is given, the
file's attributes at this specific revision are returned.

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

automate get_base_revision_id
Shows the revision on which the workspace is based.

automate get_content_changed REV FILE
Lists the revisions that changed the content relative to another revision.

automate get_corresponding_path REV1 FILE REV2
Prints the name of a file in a target revision relative to a given revision.

automate get_current_revision [PATHS ...]
Shows change information for a workspace.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

automate get_current_revision_id
Shows the revision of the current workspace.

automate get_db_variables [DOMAIN]
Retrieve database variables.

automate get_extended_manifest_of REVISION
Prints the extended manifest for the given identifier.

automate get_file FILEID
Prints the contents of a file (given an identifier).

automate get_file_of FILENAME
Prints the contents of a file (given a name).

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

automate get_file_size FILEID
Prints the size of a file (given an identifier).

automate get_manifest_of [REVID]
Shows the manifest associated with a revision.

automate get_option OPTION
Shows the value of an option.

automate get_public_key KEY_NAME_OR_HASH
Prints a public key packet.

automate get_revision REVID
Shows change information for a revision.

automate get_workspace_root
Prints the workspace root for the current directory.

automate graph
Prints the complete ancestry graph.

automate heads [BRANCH]
Prints the heads of the given branch.

automate identify PATH
Prints the file identifier of a file.

automate interface_version
Prints the automation interface's version.

automate inventory [PATH]...
Prints a summary of files found in the workspace.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--no-corresponding-renames / --corresponding-renames
don't output corresponding renames if restricted on such nodes

--no-ignored / --ignored
don't output ignored files

--no-unchanged / --unchanged
don't output unchanged files

--no-unknown / --unknown
don't output unknown files

automate keys
Lists all keys in the keystore.

automate leaves
Lists the leaves of the revision graph.

automate log [PATH] ...
Lists the selected revision history.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--from <arg> / --clear-from
revision(s) to start logging at

--last <arg>
limit log output to the last number of entries

--next <arg>
limit log output to the next number of entries

--no-merges / --merges
exclude merges when printing logs

--to <arg> / --clear-to
revision(s) to stop logging at

automate lua LUA_FUNCTION [ARG1 [ARG2 [...]]]
Executes the given lua function and returns the result.

automate packet_for_fdata FILEID
Prints the file data in packet format.

automate packet_for_fdelta OLD_FILE NEW_FILE
Prints the file delta in packet format.

automate packet_for_rdata REVID
Prints the revision data in packet format.

automate packets_for_certs REVID
Prints the certs associated with a revision in packet format.

automate parents REV
Prints the parents of a revision.

automate pull [URI]
automate pull [ADDRESS[:PORTNUMBER] [PATTERN ...]]
Pulls branches from a netsync server.

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

automate push [URI]
automate push [ADDRESS[:PORTNUMBER] [PATTERN ...]]
Pushes branches to a netsync server.

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--key-to-push <arg>
push the specified key even if it hasn't signed anything

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

automate put_file [FILEID] CONTENTS
Stores a file in the database.

automate put_public_key KEY-PACKET-DATA
Store the public key in the database.

automate put_revision REVISION-DATA
Stores a revision into the database.

automate read_packets PACKET-DATA
Load the given packets into the database.

automate remote COMMAND [ARGS]
Executes COMMAND on a remote server.

--remote-stdio-host <arg>
sets the host (and optionally the port) for a remote netsync action

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

automate remote_stdio [URI]
automate remote_stdio [ADDRESS[:PORTNUMBER]]
Opens an 'automate stdio' connection to a remote server.

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

automate roots
Lists the roots of the revision graph.

automate select SELECTOR
Lists the revisions that match a selector.

automate set_attribute PATH KEY VALUE
Sets an attribute on a certain path.

automate set_db_variable DOMAIN NAME VALUE
Sets a database variable.

automate show_conflicts [LEFT_REVID RIGHT_REVID]
Shows the conflicts between two revisions. If no arguments are given, LEFT_REVID and
RIGHT_REVID default to the first two heads that would be chosen by the 'merge'

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--ignore-suspend-certs / --no-ignore-suspend-certs
do not ignore revisions marked as suspended

automate stdio
Automates several commands in one run.

--automate-stdio-size <arg>
block size in bytes for 'automate stdio' output

automate sync [URI]
automate sync [ADDRESS[:PORTNUMBER] [PATTERN ...]]
Synchronizes branches with a netsync server.

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--key-to-push <arg>
push the specified key even if it hasn't signed anything

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

automate tags [BRANCH_PATTERN]
Prints all tags attached to a set of branches.

automate toposort [REV1 [REV2 [REV3 [...]]]]
Topologically sorts a list of revisions.

automate update
Updates the workspace.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

command group 'database'
Commands that manipulate the database.

db changesetify
Converts the database to the changeset format.

db check
Does some sanity checks on the database. Ensures that the database is consistent by
issuing multiple checks.

db dump
Dumps the contents of the database. Generates a list of SQL instructions that
represent the whole contents of the database. The resulting output is useful to later
restore the database from a text file that serves as a backup.

db execute
Executes an SQL command on the database. Directly executes the given SQL command on
the database

db fix_certs
Attempt to fix bad certs. Older monotone versions could sometimes associate certs
with the wrong key. This fixes such certs if you have the correct key, and can
optionally drop any certs that you don't have the correct key for. This should only be
needed if you had such certs in your db when upgrading from 0.44 or earlier, or if you
loaded such certs with 'mtn read'.

drop certs signed by keys we don't know about

db info
Shows information about the database.

--full / --concise
print detailed information

db init
Initializes a database. Creates a new database file and initializes it.

db load
Loads the contents of the database. Reads a list of SQL instructions that regenerate
the contents of the database. This is supposed to be used in conjunction with the
output generated by the 'dump' command.

db migrate
Migrates the database to a newer schema. Updates the database's internal schema to
the most recent one. Needed to automatically resolve incompatibilities that may be
introduced in newer versions of monotone.

db regenerate_caches
Regenerates the caches stored in the database.

db rosterify
Converts the database to the rosters format.

--drop-attr <arg>
when rosterifying, drop attrs entries with the given key

db set_epoch BRANCH EPOCH
Sets the branch's epoch.

db version
Shows the database's version.

Deletes the specified certs from the local database. Deletes all certs which are on
the given revision(s) and have the given name and if a value is specified then also
the given value.

local kill_revision REVID
Kills a revision from the local database.

command group 'debug'
Commands that aid in program debugging.

Prints an ASCII representation of the revisions' graph.

Differences 2 files and outputs the result.

use context diff format

--diff-args <arg>
argument to pass external diff hook

use external diff hook for generating diffs

--no-show-encloser / --show-encloser
do not show the function containing each block of changes

reverse order of diff

use unified diff format

--with-header / --without-header
show the matching cset in the diff header

Loads a file's contents into the database.

Merges 3 files and outputs the result.

get_roster [REVID]
Dumps the roster associated with a given identifier. If no REVID is given, the
workspace is used.

identify [PATH]
Calculates the identity of a file or stdin. If any PATH is given, calculates their
identity; otherwise, the one from the standard input is calculated.

rcs_import RCSFILE...
Parses versions in RCS files. This command doesn't reconstruct or import revisions.
You probably want to use cvs_import.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

command group 'informative'
Commands for information retrieval.

annotate PATH
Prints an annotated copy of a file. Calculates and prints an annotated copy of the
given file from the specified REVISION.

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

annotate using full revision ids only

bisect bad
Marks the current revision or specified revisions as bad. Known bad revisions are
removed from the set being searched.

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

bisect good
Marks the current revision or specified revisions as good. Known good revisions are
removed from the set being searched.

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

bisect reset
Reset the current bisection search. Update the workspace back to the revision from
which the bisection was started and remove all current search information, allowing a
new search to be started.

bisect skip
Excludes the current revision or specified revisions from the search. Skipped
revisions are removed from the set being searched. Revisions that cannot be tested for
some reason should be skipped.

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

bisect status
Reports on the current status of the bisection search. Lists the total number of
revisions in the search set, the number of revisions that have been determined to be
good or bad, the number of revisions that have been skipped and the number of
revisions remaining to be tested.

bisect update
Updates the workspace to the next revision to be tested by bisection. This command
can be used if updates by good, bad or skip commands fail due to blocked paths or
other problems.

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

Prints a file from the database. Fetches the given file FILENAME from the database
and prints it to the standard output.

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

complete (revision|file|key) PARTIAL-ID
Completes a partial identifier.

di [PATH]...
diff [PATH]...
Shows current differences. Compares the current tree with the files in the repository
and prints the differences on the standard output. If one revision is given, the diff
between the workspace and that revision is shown. If two revisions are given, the
diff between them is given. If no format is specified, unified is used by default.

use context diff format

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--diff-args <arg>
argument to pass external diff hook

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

use external diff hook for generating diffs

--no-show-encloser / --show-encloser
do not show the function containing each block of changes

reverse order of diff

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

use unified diff format

--with-header / --without-header
show the matching cset in the diff header

help command [ARGS...]
Displays help about commands and options.

--hidden / --no-hidden
show hidden commands and options

list branches [PATTERN]
Lists branches in the database that match a pattern.

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

list certs REVID
Lists certificates attached to a revision.

list changed [PATH...]
Lists files that have changed with respect to the current revision.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

list databases
list dbs
Lists managed databases and their known workspaces.

list duplicates
Lists duplicate files in the specified revision. If no revision is specified, use the

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

list epochs [BRANCH [...]]
Lists the current epoch of branches that match a pattern.

list ignored [PATH]
Lists workspace files that are ignored in the current branch.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--recursive [ -R ] / --no-recursive
also operate on the contents of any listed directories

list keys [PATTERN]
Lists keys that match a pattern.

list known
Lists workspace files that belong to the current branch.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

list missing
Lists files that belong to the branch but are not in the workspace.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

list tags [PATTERN]
Lists all tags in the database.

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

list unknown [PATH]
Lists workspace files that are unknown in the current branch.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--recursive [ -R ] / --no-recursive
also operate on the contents of any listed directories

list vars [DOMAIN]
Lists variables in the whole database or a domain.

list workspaces
Lists known workspaces of a specified database.

log [PATH] ...
Prints selected history in forward or reverse order. This command prints selected
history in forward or reverse order, filtering it by PATH if given.

--brief / --no-brief
print a brief version of the normal output

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--diffs / --no-diffs
print diffs along with logs

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--from <arg> / --clear-from
revision(s) to start logging at

--last <arg>
limit log output to the last number of entries

--next <arg>
limit log output to the next number of entries

--no-files / --files
exclude files when printing logs

--no-graph / --graph
do not use ASCII graph to display ancestry

--no-merges / --merges
exclude merges when printing logs

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

--to <arg> / --clear-to
revision(s) to stop logging at

Generate a manual page from monotone's command help.

--formatted / --plain
automatically run the output through nroff (default if the output is a terminal)

--hidden / --no-hidden
show hidden commands and options

show_conflicts REV REV
Shows what conflicts need resolution between two revisions. The conflicts are
calculated based on the two revisions given in the REV parameters.

status [PATH]...
Shows workspace's status information.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

Shows the program version.

--full / --concise
print detailed information

command group 'key_and_cert'
Commands to manage keys and certificates.

Creates a certificate for a revision or set of revisions. Creates a certificate with
the given name and value on each revision that matches the given selector

Drops a public and/or private key.

genkey KEY_NAME
Generates an RSA key-pair.

force genkey to not error out when the named key already exists

passphrase KEY_NAME_OR_HASH
Changes the passphrase of a private RSA key.

Adds a private key to ssh-agent.

ssh_agent_export [FILENAME]
Exports a private key for use with ssh-agent.

Tests whether a hypothetical certificate would be trusted. The current settings are
used to run the test.

command group 'network'
Commands that access the network.

Checks out a revision from a remote database into a directory. If a revision is
given, that's the one that will be checked out. Otherwise, it will be the head of the
branch supplied. If no directory is given, the branch name will be used as directory

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

pull [URI]
Pulls branches from a netsync server. This pulls all branches that match the pattern
given in PATTERN from the netsync server at the address ADDRESS.

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

push [URI]
Pushes branches to a netsync server. This will push all branches that match the
pattern given in PATTERN to the netsync server at the address ADDRESS.

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--key-to-push <arg>
push the specified key even if it hasn't signed anything

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

Serves the database to connecting clients.

--bind <arg>
address:port to listen on (default :4691)

--pid-file <arg> / --no-pid-file
record process id of server

sync [URI]
Synchronizes branches with a netsync server. This synchronizes branches that match
the pattern given in PATTERN with the netsync server at the address ADDRESS.

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--key-to-push <arg>
push the specified key even if it hasn't signed anything

--set-default / --no-set-default
use the current netsync arguments and options as the future default

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

command group 'packet_io'
Commands for packet reading and writing.

Prints a private key packet.

Prints a public key packet.

read [FILE1 [FILE2 [...]]]
Reads packets from files. If no files are provided, the standard input is used.

command group 'review'
Commands to review revisions.

approve REVISION
Approves a particular revision.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

Comments on a particular revision.

Disapproves a particular revision or revision range.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

suspend REVISION
Suspends a particular revision.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

Puts a symbolic tag certificate on a revision.

testresult REV (pass|fail|true|false|yes|no|1|0)
Notes the results of running a test on a revision.

command group 'tree'
Commands to manipulate the tree.

checkout [DIRECTORY]
Checks out a revision from the database into a directory. If a revision is given,
that's the one that will be checked out. Otherwise, it will be the head of the branch
(given or implicit). If no directory is given, the branch name will be used as

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

conflicts clean
Delete any bookkeeping files related to conflict resolution.

conflicts resolve_first RESOLUTION
Set the resolution for the first unresolved single-file conflict.. Use 'mtn conflicts
show_first' to see possible resolutions.

--conflicts-file <arg>
file in which to store conflicts

conflicts resolve_first_left RESOLUTION
Set the left resolution for the first unresolved two-file conflict.

--conflicts-file <arg>
file in which to store conflicts

conflicts resolve_first_right RESOLUTION
Set the right resolution for the first unresolved two-file conflict.

--conflicts-file <arg>
file in which to store conflicts

conflicts show_first
Show the first unresolved conflict in the conflicts file, and possible resolutions.

--conflicts-file <arg>
file in which to store conflicts

conflicts show_remaining
Show the remaining unresolved conflicts in the conflicts file.

--conflicts-file <arg>
file in which to store conflicts

conflicts store [LEFT_REVID RIGHT_REVID]
Store the conflicts from merging two revisions. If no arguments are given, LEFT_REVID
and RIGHT_REVID default to the first two heads that would be chosen by the 'merge'
command. If '--conflicts-file' is not given, '_MTN/conflicts' is used.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--conflicts-file <arg>
file in which to store conflicts

Merges two explicitly given revisions. The results of the merge are placed on the
branch specified by DEST-BRANCH.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

--resolve-conflicts / --no-resolve-conflicts
specify conflict resolutions in a file, instead of interactively

--resolve-conflicts-file <arg>
use file to resolve conflicts

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

Shows unmerged head revisions of a branch.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

Imports the contents of a directory into a branch.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--dry-run / --no-dry-run
don't perform the operation, just show what would have happened

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

--no-respect-ignore / --respect-ignore
do not ignore any files

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

Merges unmerged heads of a branch.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

--resolve-conflicts / --no-resolve-conflicts
specify conflict resolutions in a file, instead of interactively

--resolve-conflicts-file <arg>
use file to resolve conflicts

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

Merges one branch into a subdirectory in another branch.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

--resolve-conflicts / --no-resolve-conflicts
specify conflict resolutions in a file, instead of interactively

--resolve-conflicts-file <arg>
use file to resolve conflicts

--update / --no-update
automatically update the workspace, if it was at a head and the command creates a
new head

merge_into_workspace OTHER-REVISION
Merges a revision into the current workspace's base revision. Merges OTHER-REVISION
into the current workspace's base revision, and update the current workspace with the
result. There can be no pending changes in the current workspace. Both
OTHER-REVISION and the workspace's base revision will be recorded as parents on
commit. The workspace's selected branch is not changed.

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

migrate_workspace [DIRECTORY]
Migrates a workspace directory's metadata to the latest format. If no directory is
given, defaults to the current workspace.

Merges from one branch to another asymmetrically.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

--resolve-conflicts / --no-resolve-conflicts
specify conflict resolutions in a file, instead of interactively

--resolve-conflicts-file <arg>
use file to resolve conflicts

Refreshes the inodeprint cache.

Sets up a new workspace directory. If no directory is specified, uses the current

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

command group 'variables'
Commands to manage persistent variables.

Removes all invalid, registered workspace paths for the current database.

register_workspace [WORKSPACE_PATH]
Registers a new workspace for the current database. This command adds WORKSPACE_PATH
to the list of `known-workspaces'.

Sets a database variable. This command modifies (or adds if it did not exist before)
the variable named NAME, stored in the database, and sets it to the given value in
VALUE. The variable is placed in the domain DOMAIN.

unregister_workspace [WORKSPACE_PATH]
Unregisters an existing workspace for the current database. This command removes
WORKSPACE_PATH to the list of `known-workspaces'.

Unsets a database variable. This command removes the variable NAME from domain
DOMAIN, which was previously stored in the database.

command group 'vcs'
Commands for interaction with other version control systems.

cvs_import CVSROOT
Imports all versions in a CVS repository.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

Produces a git fast-export data stream on stdout.

--authors-file <arg>
file mapping author names from original to new values

--branches-file <arg>
file mapping branch names from original to new values

--export-marks <arg>
save the internal marks table after exporting revisions

--import-marks <arg>
load the internal marks table before exporting revisions

--log-certs / --no-log-certs
include standard cert values in commit logs

--log-revids / --no-log-revids
include revision ids in commit logs

--refs <arg>
include git refs for 'revs', 'roots' or 'leaves'

use only one changelog cert for the git commit message

command group 'workspace'
Commands that deal with the workspace.

add [PATH]...
Adds files to the workspace.

--no-respect-ignore / --respect-ignore
do not ignore any files

--recursive [ -R ] / --no-recursive
also operate on the contents of any listed directories

--unknown / --no-unknown
perform the operations for unknown files from workspace

attr drop PATH [ATTR]
Removes attributes from a file. If no attribute is specified, this command removes
all attributes attached to the file given in PATH. Otherwise only removes the
attribute specified in ATTR.

attr get PATH [ATTR]
Gets the values of a file's attributes. If no attribute is specified, this command
prints all attributes attached to the file given in PATH. Otherwise it only prints
the attribute specified in ATTR.

Sets an attribute on a file. Sets the attribute given on ATTR to the value specified
in VALUE for the file mentioned in PATH.

ci [PATH]...
commit [PATH]...
Commits workspace changes to the database.

--author <arg>
override author for commit

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--date <arg>
override date/time for commit

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--message [ -m ] <arg>
set commit changelog message

--message-file <arg>
set filename containing commit changelog message

drop [PATH]...
rm [PATH]...
Drops files from the workspace.

only update monotone's internal bookkeeping, not the filesystem

perform the operations for files missing from workspace

--recursive [ -R ] / --no-recursive
also operate on the contents of any listed directories

mkdir [DIRECTORY...]
Creates directories and adds them to the workspace.

--no-respect-ignore / --respect-ignore
do not ignore any files

pivot_root NEW_ROOT PUT_OLD
Renames the root directory. After this command, the directory that currently has the
name NEW_ROOT will be the root directory, and the directory that is currently the root
directory will have name PUT_OLD. Use of '--bookkeep-only' is NOT recommended.

only update monotone's internal bookkeeping, not the filesystem

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

pluck [PATH...]
Applies changes made at arbitrary places in history. This command takes changes made
at any point in history, and edits your current workspace to include those changes.
The end result is identical to 'mtn diff -r FROM -r TO | patch -p0', except that this
command uses monotone's merger, and thus intelligently handles renames, conflicts, and
so on. If one revision is given, applies the changes made in that revision compared
to its parent. If two revisions are given, applies the changes made to get from the
first revision to the second.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

mv SRC1 [SRC2 [...]] DEST_DIR
rename SRC DEST
rename SRC1 [SRC2 [...]] DEST_DIR
Renames entries in the workspace.

only update monotone's internal bookkeeping, not the filesystem

revert [PATH]...
Reverts files and/or directories. In order to revert the entire workspace, specify
'.' as the file name.

--depth <arg>
limit the number of levels of directories to descend

--exclude <arg>
leave out anything described by its argument

perform the operations for files missing from workspace

undrop PATH...
Reverses a mistaken 'drop'. If the file was deleted from the workspace, this is the
same as 'revert'. Otherwise, it just removes the 'drop' from the manifest.

Updates the workspace. This command modifies your workspace to be based off of a
different revision, preserving uncommitted changes as it does so. If a revision is
given, update the workspace to that revision. If not, update the workspace to the
head of the branch.

--branch [ -b ] <arg>
select branch cert for operation

--move-conflicting-paths / --no-move-conflicting-paths
move conflicting, unversioned paths into '_MTN/resolutions' before proceeding with
any workspace change

--revision [ -r ] <arg>
select revision id for operation

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