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nad2bin - Online in the Cloud

Run nad2bin in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command nad2bin that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



nad2bin - convert nad ASCII files into binary format usable by nad2nad


This command is undocumented upstream. This very rough documentation was quickly
assembled by your friendly Debian maintainer (who doesn't use this command, and so is not
the best person to document it!).

The proj package includes the nad2nad binary, the North American Datum conversion filter
used to convert data between North America Datum 1927 (NAD27) and North American Datum
1983, and cs2cs a binary that performs transformation between the source and destination
cartographic coordinate system on a set of input points. The coordinate system
transformation can include translation between projected and geographic coordinates as
well as the application of datum shifts.

See the nad2nad(1) and cs2cs(1) man pages for more information.

nad2nad and cs2cs need arch-dependent conversion data files in a library directory,
/usr/share/proj/ Those files are included in the proj Debian package since 4.6.1-5. To
produce/update them yourself, get the *.lla files from


and then run nad2bin to produce the binary files used by nad2nad and cs2cs like so:

# nad2bin < conus.lla /usr/share/proj/conus

Test nad2nad with the following example:

$ nad2nad -i 83 -o 27 -r conus << EOF

71d14'58.27"W 44d20'15.227"N


It should produce:

71d15'W 44d20'15"N

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