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perl-cross-staging - Long term maintenance of cross-build support for the Debian
configuration of perl



perl-cross-staging takes no commands or options.


perl-cross-staging supports the long term maintenance of cross-build support for the
Debian configuration of perl.

perl-cross-staging assists in the producuction of config files from the current perl build
tree to update existing perl-cross-debian support by staging native builds of perl patched
to support perl-cross-staging.

Config files generated by perl-cross-staging need substantial manual editing and updating
before being usable for a cross-build or inclusion into perl-cross-debian.


Each new version of perl introduces and rearranges the existing config values and the
config.h and config.sh files for each variant need to be updated.

Some sections simply need to be moved around within the file for easier comparison, some
sections will be new (and may need adjustment if the new values are
architecture-sensitive) and some may need to be removed. Some values include the version
string of the perl version being built. Some values include the name of the compiler or
preprocessor. There are values which specify the original build directory and these need
to be replaced with PERL_BUILD_DIR:


Missing values will be easiest to spot as these cause the build to fail with invalid
preprocessing directives.

config.h:2229:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #HAS_STATIC_INLINE
config.h:2766:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #HAS_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
config.h:2773:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #HAS_SIN6_SCOPE_ID
config.h:3614:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #HAS_PRCTL
config.h:3615:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #HAS_PRCTL_SET_NAME

Probably the biggest problem is reorganisation of the files which arises because the files
are all generated, rather than edited. This can easily lead to sections being added in one
place of the file and being repeated (with differing values) elsewhere. Use a comparison
tool like meld to push snippets in and out of the staged files with usable previous/next
search/find regexp support.

Once one of the variant files has been updated, merge the changes into the other staged
variants before comparing those with the files from the previous version of perl.

Old perl version strings also need to be updated.


Typically, perl-cross-staging is run for the native architecture on the expectation that
most of the updates to the staged files will include changes for the cross architecture.
e.g. updates for 5.16.2 were prepared by staging amd64 and porting the updates into the
cross architecture files for 5.14.2.

perl-cross-staging does support attempting to stage a cross build but this has not been
tested. Please report success or failure.


Note that work is ongoing to get perl cross-building upstream and this is not complete.
perl-cross-staging will need changes once this work is complete. The aim is to make it
easier to obtain the configuration value cache for architectures where real hardware or an
emulation model can be accessed over a network. This work takes place at
https://github.com/codehelp/perl/tree/jrobinson/configure-for-cross which is
intermittently pulled into the main cross-configure branch at

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