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acpl - compile a target architectures


acpl [options] [itfile] [otfile]


The acpl program compiles a decomposition-defined target architecture file itfile of type
'deco 0' into a compiled decomposition-defined target architecture of type 'deco 1',
stored in file otfile.

Compiling a decomposition-defined architecture amounts to computing the distance matrix of
all possible subdomains, from the distance matrix of all terminal subdomains provided in
the 'deco 0' format. Since this computation is internally performed every time a 'deco 0'
format is read, and is quadratic in time, pre-compiling the target architecture by means
of acpl can save some time when repeatedly computing mappings on a large decomposition-
defined 'deco 0' target architecture.

When the proper libraries have been included at compile time, acpl can directly handle
compressed files, both as input and output. A stream is treated as compressed whenever its
name is postfixed with a compressed file extension, such as in 'brol.tgt.bz2' or '-.gz'.
The compression formats which can be supported are the bzip2 format ('.bz2'), the gzip
format ('.gz'), and the lzma format ('.lzma', on input only).

Since decomposition-defined target architecture files have a size which is quadratic in
the number of target vertices, because of the distance matrix structures, using compressed
files to store them may save a lot of space, especially for compiled target architecture


-h Display some help.

-V Display program version and copyright.


Create a compiled cube-connected-cycle target architecture of dimension 4, and save it
under the gzip(1) format to file 'ccc4c.tgt.gz'. The dash '-' standard file name is used
so that the 'deco 0' target architecture description produced by amk_ccc(1) is read from
the standard input, through the pipe.

$ amk_ccc 4 | acpl - ccc4c.tgt.gz

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