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aemakeflic - Online in the Cloud

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aemakeflic - produce an animation from an aewan document


aemakeflic [-f {less|sh}] [-N] [-b] [-d <delay>] input.ae [outputfile.ext]


This utility will make an ascii animation out of an aewan document. It can currently
produce animations in two formats: a shellscript which, when executed, will display the
animation and a "less movie" intended to be "played" on the very popular 'less' output
pager -- that is, the user will see the animation as he pages down through the file in an
appropriate window size.

Each layer in the aewan document is interpreted as one frame of the animation. Layer
transparency and compositing are not used: each layer becomes a frame.


-f specifies output format - can "sh" for a shellscript or "less" for a "less movie"

-N omit the initial instructions that are normally included in the resulting file. The
instructions will orient the user as to how to play the file.

-b disables output of color (only characters will be printed).

-d delay
specifies the delay between frames (for shellscript only), given in milliseconds.


This program is part of the Aewan Ascii Art Editor package. See aewan(1) for author

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