aevol_run - Online in the Cloud

This is the command aevol_run that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



aevol - an in silico experimental evolution platform


aevol_run -h | --help
aevol_run -V | --version
aevol_run [-r GENER] [-n NB_GENER] [-tvwx]


Aevol is a simulation platform that allows one to let populations of digital organisms
evolve in different conditions and study experimentally the mechanisms responsible for the
structuration of the genome and the transcriptome.

run an aevol simulation.


-h, --help
print help, then exit

-V, --version
print version number, then exit

-r, --resume GENER
specify generation to resume simulation at (default 0)

-n, --nbgener NB_GENER
specify number of generations to be run (default 1000)

-t, --text
use text files instead of binary files when possible

-v, --verbose
be verbose

-w, --wait
pause after loading

-x, --noX
don't display X outputs upon start
send SIGUSR1 to switch X output on/off

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