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aewmx - Online in the Cloud

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aewm - An Exiguous Window Manager


aewm [options...]


aewm is an X11 window manager with very few features. It draws a small titlebar above top-
level windows, allows you to manipulate them with the mouse, and starts other programs
when the root window is clicked. That's also about all it does, so don't expect anything

The titlebar contains a small box in the upper right corner. Clicking the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd
buttons on the main area of the titlebar will raise, move, or lower the window,
respectively. Clicking on the box will respectively hide, resize, or close the window.

By default, clicking on the root window with button 1 will run aemenu(1x), and button 3
will start a new xterm(1x), and and button 2 will run aemenu --switch. aemenu (or another
equivalent program) is required to unhide hidden windows; aewm does not do this itself.


--config file, -rc file
Read configuration options from file. This overrides options which precede it in
the command line.

--font xfld, -fn xfld
Draw window titles using the font defined by xfld.

--bgcolor color, -bg color
Set the background color of window frames.

--fgcolor color, -fg color
Set the foreground color of window frames.

--bdcolor color, -bd color
Set the color of window borders.

--bdwidth width, -bw width
Draw window borders width pixels wide.

--padding width, -p width
Draw width pixels of space between window borders and window titles.

--new1 command, -1 cmd
Run command when button 1 is clicked on the root window.

--new2 command, -2 cmd
Run command when button 2 is clicked on the root window.

--new3 command, -3 cmd
Run command when button 3 is clicked on the root window.

--help, -h
Print a short help message to stdout and exit.

--version, -v
Print version information to stdout and exit.


DISPLAY Sets which X display will be managed by aewm.

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