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afetch - retrieve an alignment from an alignment database


afetch [options] alignmentdb key

afetch --index alignmentdb


afetch retrieves the alignment named key from an alignment database in file alignmentdb.

alignmentdb is a "multiple multiple alignment" file in Stockholm (e.g. native Pfam)

key is either the name (ID) of the alignment, or its accession number (AC).

The alignmentdb file should first be SSI indexed with afetch --index for efficient
retrieval. An SSI index is not required, but alignment retrieval without one may be
painfully slow.


-h Print brief help; includes version number and summary of all options, including
expert options.


Instead of retrieving a key, the special command afetch --index alignmentdb
produces an SSI index of the names and accessions of the alignments in the file
alignmentdb. This should be run once on the alignmentdb file to prepare it for all
future afetch's.

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