aghermann - Online in the Cloud

This is the command aghermann that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Aghermann -- a sleep research experiment manager and Achermann et al (1993) model


aghermann [-l LOG_FILE] [-n] [EXP_ROOT_DIR]


Aghermann is a GTK+ program designed to run Process S simulations on Slow-Wave Activity
profiles from EEG recordings as outlined in Achermann et al (1993). In this capacity,
Aghermann produces a set of sleep homeostat parameters which can be used to describe and
differentiate individual sleepers, such as short vs long sleepers, early vs late, etc.

Also provided are general-purpose facilities for displaying EEG and accompanying
recordings, such as EOG and EMG, saved in EDF (European Data Format) files (plain EDF as
well as EDF+C are supported). These recordings can then be conveniently scored; scores
can be imported/exported in plain ASCII. Scoring can be outsourced to external scripts
written in lua.


If run without arguments, your last session will be restored; an experiment located in
EXP_ROOT_DIR will be selected otherwise.

With option -n (and an EXP_ROOT_DIR, which is non-optional in this case), the experiment
session in that directory will be initialised and immediately closed, upon which Aghermann
will exit. No windows will be open and no GTK+ code run; this option was implemented with
the idea of running the core structural part of Aghermann under valgrind.

With option -l LOG_FILE, aghermann will write a log of its inner workings to LOG_FILE; if
the latter is "-", stdout is used. By default, (almost all) logging is suppressed.


For Aghermann to be able to manage an EDF file, all relevant fields in its header must be
filled out correctly, as follows:

· patient_id uniquely identifies the subject;

· recording_id identifies the recording session (out of several other such sessions,
each containing the same series of episodes) and the individual episode. These two
items must appear in one of the following combinations:

· "Session/Episode"

· "Session : Episode"

· "Episode (Session)"

· recording_date and recording_time must not overlap with other episodes in the same
session and not be too far removed from each other (more than 7 days).

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