aiccu - Online in the Cloud

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AICCU - Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Configuration Utility


aiccu <start|stop|tunnels|test|autotest|license> [ config ]


AICCU makes it very easy for anybody to get IPv6 connectivity everywhere they want. It
uses the TIC (Tunnel Information & Control) protocol to request the information needed to
setup a tunnel through which the connectivity is created. AICCU supports the following
tunneling protocols: - 6in4 static (RFC 2893) - 6in4 heartbeat (RFC 2893 + draft-
massar-v6ops-heartbeat) - tinc ( - AYIYA
(draft-massar-v6ops-ayiya) As AYIYA even works from behind NAT's, thus unless there is a
very restrictive firewall in place, anybody should be able to get IPv6 connectivity
without problems and everywhere they want.


start Starts aiccu service.

stop Stops aiccu service.

Prints a list of currently available tunnels.

test Builds the connection and runs a simple selftest allowing a user to report this
back as it should show most obvious problems.

Decription here

Shows the license aiccu is released under.

config Read the configuration from config file.

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