aldo - Online in the Cloud

This is the command aldo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



aldo - A fully console morse code trainer written in ISO C++.




Aldo is developed from scratch in ISO C++ using GNU C++ Standard Library and libao
It is a morse code learning tool which provides four type of training methods:

Identify blocks of random characters played in morse code.

Two morse characters will be played at full speed (20wpm)
until you'll be able to identify at least 90 percent of them.
After that, one more character will be added, and so on.

Identify played characters generated from a file.

Identify random callsigns played in morse code.


The "Device" option under the keyer depends on the particular driver. The "default"
setting picks the default sound device. This option may be used to pick a different
soundcard than the default one.

For alsa, it is "hw:<card>,<device>", where the card and device number are the particular
hardware devices. The default is generally "hw:0.0". Generally 0 is the first card, 1 is
the second, etc. Some sound cards may have multiple output devices, the device picks the
particular one.

For oss, sun, and aixs, it is the device name, like /dev/dsp.

For esd, it is the host name, like "".

It is not used on any other drivers.

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