alimh - Online in the Cloud

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ali - list mail aliases


ali [-alias aliasfile] [-list | -nolist] [-user | -nouser] [-version] [-help] [aliases


Ali searches the named mail alias files for each of the given aliases. It creates a list
of addresses for those aliases, and writes that list on standard output. If no arguments
are given, ali outputs all alias entries.

By default, when an aliases expands to multiple addresses, the addresses are separated by
commas and printed on as few lines as possible. If the -list option is specified, then
when an address expands to multiple addresses, each address will appear on a separate

The switch -user directs ali to perform its processing in an inverted fashion: instead of
listing the addresses that each given alias expands to, ali will list the aliases that
expand to each given address.

The files specified by the profile entry “Aliasfile” and any additional alias files given
by the -alias aliasfile switch will be read. Each alias is processed as described in

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