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AMC-prepare - prepares working documents from LaTeX source file


auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode s --prefix project-dir mcq-source-file

auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode b --data project-data-dir mcq-source-file


The AMC-prepare.pl command extracts working documents from the source file describing the
multiple choice questionnaire. Information to be extracted depends on the --mode argument
value. In any mode, the source filename must be given as an argument.

· with "--mode s", AMC-prepare.pl makes the subject file (answer sheet to be printed and
given to the students), the correction (single corrected answer sheet) and the
positions file (file containing information about the positions of the boxes on the
pages). The following arguments can be used:

--out-sujet subject.pdf
sets the subject file to build.

--out-corrige corrected.pdf
sets the correction to build.

--out-calage calage.xy
sets the positions file to build.

--prefix directory
this directory is only necessary if one or more of the three previous options are
not used: default values are then directory/sujet.pdf, directory/corrige.pdf and

· with "--mode b", AMC-prepare.pl extracts scoring data from the source file. In this
mode, the --data argument must be used (see below).

The following optional arguments can be used in any mode:

--with latex-engine
gives the LaTeX engine (command) to be used. latex-engine can be pdflatex or xelatex
for exemple.

--filter filter
sets the filter name to transform the MCQ source file into a LaTeX file. Native
filters are latex (no change at all) and plain (source is an AMC-TXT file).

--filtered-source mcq-latex-file
gives the LaTeX file to make from the source file using specified filter. If omitted,
a filename derived from mcq-source-file adding _filtered.tex is used.

--n-copies n
sets the number of copies to produce, overriding the number given in the LaTeX source
file (first argument of the \onecopy command).

--debug file.log
gives a file to fill with debugging information.

--data project-data-dir
sets the directory where the project's SQLite data files are.


Alexis Bienvenüe <paamc@passoire.fr>
Main author

Jean Bérard
Translation from French

Georges Khaznadar
Translation from French


Copyright © 2008-2013 Alexis Bienvenüe

This document can be used according to the terms of the GNU General Public License,
version 2 or later.

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