amsbenchr - Online in the Cloud

This is the command amsbenchr that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



amsbenchr - Asynchronous Message Service (AMS) benchmarking meter




amsbenchr is a test program that simply subscribes to subject "bench" and receives
messages published by amsbenchs until all messages in the test - as indicated by the count
of remaining messages, in in the first four bytes of each message - have been received.
Then it stops receiving messages, calculates and prints performance statistics, and

amsbenchr will register as an application module in the root unit of the venture
identified by application name "amsdemo" and authority name "test". A configuration
server for the local continuum and a registrar for the root unit of that venture (which
may both be instantiated in a single amsd daemon task) must be running in order for
amsbenchr to commence operations.


-1 amsbenchr failed, for reasons noted in the ion.log file.

"0" amsbenchr terminated normally.

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