amsd - Online in the Cloud

This is the command amsd that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



amsd - AMS configuration server and/or registrar daemon


amsd { @ | MIB_source_name } { . | @ | config_server_endpoint_spec } [application_name
authority_name registrar_unit_name]


amsd is a background "daemon" task that functions as an AMS "configuration server" in the
local continuum, as an AMS "registrar" in a specified cell, or both.

If MIB_source_name is specified, it must name a MIB initialization file in the correct
format for amsd, either amsrc(5) or amsxml(5), depending on whether or not -DNOEXPAT was
set at compile time. Otherwise @ is required; in this case, the built-in default MIB is

If this amsd task is NOT to run as a configuration server then the second command-line
argument must be a '.' character. Otherwise the second command-line argument must be
either '@' or config_server_endpoint_spec. If '@' then the endpoint specification for
this configuration server is automatically computed as the default endpoint specification
for the primary transport service as noted in the MIB: "hostname:2357".

If an AMS module is NOT to be run in a background thread for this daemon (enabling
shutdown by amsstop(1) and/or runtime MIB update by amsmib(1)), then either the last three
command-line arguments must be omitted or else the "amsd" role must not be defined in the
MIB loaded for this daemon. Otherwise the application_name and authority_name arguments
are required and the "amsd" role must be defined in the MIB.

If this amsd task is NOT to run as a registrar then the last command-line argument must be
omitted. Otherwise the last three command-line arguments are required and they must
identify a unit in an AMS venture for the indicated application and authority that is
known to operate in the local continuum, as noted in the MIB. Note that the unit name for
the "root unit" of a venture is the zero-length string "".


"0" amsd terminated without error.

-1 amsd terminated due to an anomaly as noted in the ion.log file. If this termination
was not commanded, investigate and solve the problem identified in the log file and
restart amsd.

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