apng2gif - Online in the Cloud

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apng2gif - convert APNG animated images to GIF files


apng2gif <INPUT *.png> <OUTPUT *.gif> [options]


Progrmam apng2gif converts APNG into animated GIF format.

The Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG) file format is an extension to the Portable
Network Graphics (PNG) specification. It allows for animated PNG files that work similarly
to animated GIF files, while retaining backward compatibility with non-animated PNG files
and adding support for 8-bit transparency and 24-bit images.

Default run values are /t 128, no background color. A short syntax hlp is provided without
any command line arguments.


Background blend color. Format: #RGB in hex, like #808080, or three values in decimal.
Like: 128 128 128. If this option is used, option /t is ignored

With option:

/b #ff0000 or
/b 255 0 0

will set the background color as red, so partially transparent pixels will be composed
over red.

Transparency threshold level between 0..155. Default is 128. pixels with alpha level
less than 128 will become fully transparent.



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