aps2file - Online in the Cloud

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aps2file — printing to a file via apsfilter


aps2file [-D] [-Pqueue] [-Zoptions] [-ooutput] [input]
aps2file [-h]


With aps2file you can direct the printer data generated by apsfilter(1) into an arbitrary
file without the use of a spooler.


-h show help screen
-D enable debug mode
-Pqueue select a printer queue (different from the default one)
-Zoptions use apsfilter command line options (comma-separated list)
-ooutput direct data stream to output (default: stdout)
input read data from input (default: stdin)

Unlike printing with lpr(1), you can only use one input file at a time.

Using aps2file is also the recommended way to create a debugging log of a failed printing
attempt. If you include the -D flag, the apsfilter shell script will log every command and
print it to stderr. To save the output for inclusion into a bug report, you should
therefore use a command of the sort
aps2file -D -o /dev/null [-P...] [-Z...] [input] 2> log.txt


aps2file only works correctly with entries in /etc/printcap that have been created by

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