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arachne-pnr - Place and route tool for iCE40 family FGPAs


arachne-pnr [options] <filename>


Arachne-pnr implements the place and route step of the hardware compilation process for
FPGAs. It accepts as input a technology-mapped netlist in BLIF format, as output by the
Yosys synthesis suite for example. It currently targets the Lattice Semiconductor iCE40
family of FPGAs. Its output is a textual bitstream representation for assembly by the
IceStorm icepack command. The output of icepack is a binary bitstream which can be
uploaded to a harware device.


-h, --help
Print this usage message.

-q, --quiet
Run quiet. Don't output progress messages.

-d <device>, --device <device>
Target device <device>. Supported devices: 1k - Lattice Semiconductor iCE40LP/HX1K
8k - Lattice Semiconductor iCE40LP/HX8K Default: 1k

-c <file>, --chipdb <chipdb-file>
Read chip database from <chipdb-file>. Default: /usr/share/arachne-

--write-binary-chipdb <file>
Write binary chipdb to <file>.

-l, --no-promote-globals
Don't promote nets to globals.

-B <file>, --post-pack-blif <file>
Write post-pack netlist to <file> as BLIF.

-V <file>, --post-pack-verilog <file>
Write post-pack netlist to <file> as Verilog.

--post-place-blif <file>
Write post-place netlist to <file> as BLIF.

Input must include placement.

-p <pcf-file>, --pcf-file <pcf-file>
Read physical constraints from <pcf-file>.

-P <package>, --package <package>
Target package <package>. Default: tq144 for 1k, ct256 for 8k

-r Randomize seed.

-s <int>, --seed <int>
Set seed for random generator to <int>. Default: 1

-w <pcf-file>, --write-pcf <pcf-file>
Write pin assignments to <pcf-file> after placement.

-o <output-file>, --output-file <output-file>
Write output to <output-file>.

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