arm-none-eabi-nlmconv - Online in the Cloud

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nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM.


nlmconv [-I bfdname|--input-target=bfdname]
[-O bfdname|--output-target=bfdname]
[-T headerfile|--header-file=headerfile]
[-d|--debug] [-l linker|--linker=linker]
[-h|--help] [-V|--version]
infile outfile


nlmconv converts the relocatable i386 object file infile into the NetWare Loadable Module
outfile, optionally reading headerfile for NLM header information. For instructions on
writing the NLM command file language used in header files, see the linkers section,
NLMLINK in particular, of the NLM Development and Tools Overview, which is part of the NLM
Software Developer's Kit ("NLM SDK"), available from Novell, Inc. nlmconv uses the GNU
Binary File Descriptor library to read infile;

nlmconv can perform a link step. In other words, you can list more than one object file
for input if you list them in the definitions file (rather than simply specifying one
input file on the command line). In this case, nlmconv calls the linker for you.


-I bfdname
Object format of the input file. nlmconv can usually determine the format of a given
file (so no default is necessary).

-O bfdname
Object format of the output file. nlmconv infers the output format based on the input
format, e.g. for a i386 input file the output format is nlm32-i386.

-T headerfile
Reads headerfile for NLM header information. For instructions on writing the NLM
command file language used in header files, see see the linkers section, of the NLM
Development and Tools Overview, which is part of the NLM Software Developer's Kit,
available from Novell, Inc.

Displays (on standard error) the linker command line used by nlmconv.

-l linker
Use linker for any linking. linker can be an absolute or a relative pathname.

Prints a usage summary.

Prints the version number for nlmconv.

Read command-line options from file. The options read are inserted in place of the
original @file option. If file does not exist, or cannot be read, then the option
will be treated literally, and not removed.

Options in file are separated by whitespace. A whitespace character may be included
in an option by surrounding the entire option in either single or double quotes. Any
character (including a backslash) may be included by prefixing the character to be
included with a backslash. The file may itself contain additional @file options; any
such options will be processed recursively.

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