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asclock - the AfterStep clock


asclock [ -help] [-12 | -24] [-shape]
[-position [+|-]x[+|-]y]
[-exe program]
[-theme dir]
[-led color]


The asclock is a clock written to emulate the date/time application on the NEXTSTEP(tm)
operating system. asclock supports multiple languages, military and AM/PM time formats,
program execution, and the shape extension to X-Windows.


prints the usage message:
usage: asclock [-options ...]
where options include:
-12 12 hour format
-24 24 hour format
-exe <program> program to start on click
-led <color> color of the led
-position [+|-]x[+|-]y position of asclock
-shape without groundplate
-theme <dir> theme directory
-noblink don't blink
-dock without window decorations
-version show version information

-12 or -24
sets the desired time format to either twelve hour with AM/PM ( -12 ) or military
time ( -24 ). If no option is given military time is used.

turn on shaped window support for asclock. When this is turned on the asclock
windows will only appear to be the led and date pad. By default shaped windows are
turned off and the clock will appear on a 64 pixel by 64 pixel base.

-led <color>
specifies the color of the led. To find out what colors are available, try
showrgb(1) (part of X11).

-position [+|-]x[+|-]y
specifies the starting position of asclock. The [+|-] works like the standard X-
Windows x/y geometry option.

-exe <program>
specifies the application to start when the pointer is activated over asclock. To
invoke applications with parameters, you have to set quotes around the command. See
example below...

specifies if asclock should blink.

-theme <dir>
specifies the theme to used. A theme consists of a directory containing 8 xpms and
a position file called 'config'. Read the Themes section.

tells the window manager not to put window decorations arround asclock, useful for
docking with Window Maker. Note that in several window managers this causes
asclock to ignore the position specified with -position (if present).


asclock can be called from one of many ways. The most common invocation is the command

[user@host] ~% asclock -12 -exe 'xlock -mode hop' &

Another way to call asclock is from the window manager:

*Wharf - - MaxSwallow "asclock" asclock -theme shape -12&

This line, when placed in the .steprc file in the users home directory will cause asclock
to use the shape extensions so that it will be a button on the Wharf (1) button bar under
the afterstep (1) window manager.


A theme consists of a directory containing 8 xpms and a position file called 'config'.
All tiles within the same xpm must have the same width or height, except the colon which
has half the width of the other digits. The pixmaps are called: clock.xpm, date.xpm,
led.xpm, month.xpm, weekday.xpm, hour.xpm, minute.xpm, second.xpm. For a full description
of the format, take a look at README.THEMES.

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