asnmacro - Online in the Cloud

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asnmacro - process ASN.1 biological data per Sequin macros


asnmacro [-] [-b] [-d] [-e] [-i filename] -m filename [-o filename] [-p path] [-r path]
[-s str] [-x str]


asnmacro is a command-line tool to run Sequin macros on annotated biological sequence data
represented according to NCBI's ASN.1 specifications.


A summary of options is included below.

- Print usage message

-b Input is Binary

-d Output is binary

-e Input is a Seq-Entry

-i filename
Single input file

-m filename
Macro file

-o filename
Single Output file

-p path
Path to multiple input files

-r path
Path for Results when processing multiple files

-s str Suffix for stripped (output) files

-x str Suffix for input files with -p (.sqn by default)

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