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bbctl - query and control tool for BitBabbler hardware RNG devices


bbctl [options]


The bbctl program can be used to issue command requests to the control socket of software
controlling a BitBabbler device (such as the seedd(1) daemon).


The following options are available:

-s, --scan
Scan for active devices. This will report the device identifiers which can be
queried from the owner of the control socket.

-i, --device-id=id
Act on only the specified device. If no devices are explicitly specified then the
default is to act upon all of them. This option may be passed multiple times to
act on some subset of the available devices. The id must be an identifier name as
reported by bbctl --scan, you cannot use device logical or physical addresses here.

-b, --bin-freq
Report the 8-bit symbol frequencies.

-B, --bin-freq16
Report the 16-bit symbol frequencies.

Report the 8-bit symbol counts. Similar to --bin-freq except the bins are reported
in symbol order instead of sorted by frequency.

Report the 16-bit symbol counts. Similar to --bin-freq16 except the bins are
reported in symbol order instead of sorted by frequency.

Show only the first n results. Useful when you don't want to actually see all 65
thousand entries for the 16-bit bins. The default (if neither this nor the --last
option are specified) is to report everything in its full glory. Don't say I
didn't warn you.

Show only the last n results. Useful when you don't want to actually see all 65
thousand entries for the 16-bit bins. If used together with the --first option,
then both the requested head and tail of the results will be shown.

-r, --bit-runs
Report on runs of consecutive bits.

-S, --stats
Report general QA statistics.

-c, --control-socket=path
The filesystem path for the service control socket to query. This can belong to
any process that supports the BitBabbler control socket interface and for which the
user running bbctl has permission to connect to.

An address of the form tcp:host:port may be used if the control socket is bound to
a TCP port rather than a unix domain socket path. The host part can be a DNS
hostname or address literal. If an IPv6 address literal is used it should be
enclosed in square brackets (e.g. tcp:[::1]:2020 to bind to port 2020 on the local
IPv6 interface). The port can be a port number or a service name (as defined in
/etc/services or other system name-service databases which are queried by

-V, --log-verbosity=n
Change the logging verbosity of the control socket owner.

-v, --verbose
Make more noise about what is going on internally. It may be passed multiple times
to get swamped with even more information.

-?, --help
Show a shorter version of all of this, which may fit on a single page.

Report the bbctl release version.

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