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bdd - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command bdd that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bdd - Mutli Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams


bdd is a library that enables to represent a boolean expression as a Multi Reduced Ordered
Binary Decision Diagrams.

viewbddallocinfo - displays memory informations.

applybddnodenot - complements a bdd.

applybddnodeterm - applies an operator on two bdd nodes.

applybddnode - applies an operator on two bdd nodes.

applybddnodeite - computes the IF-THEN-ELSE logical operation.

applybddnodelist - applies an opertor to a bdd nodes list.

addbddassoc - creates a new association variables.

addbddnodeassoc - adds a bdd node in a variable association.

delbddassoc - deletes a variable association.

delbddnodeassoc - deletes a bdd node in a variable association.

destroybddassoc - frees all the variable associations.

viewbddassoc - displays variable associations.

checkbddvar - checks the coherence of a variable.

checkbddindex - checks the coherence of a bdd index.

checkbddoper - ckecks the coherence of an operator.

checkbddassoc - checks a variable association.

checkbddmaxnode - checks if the max node reached.

createbddcircuit - creates a bdd circuit.

resetbddcircuit - resets a bdd circuit.

destroybddcircuit - frees a bdd circuit.

searchbddcircuitin - searches a specified input in a circuit.

addbddcircuitin - adds a new input in a circuit.

addbddcircuitaux - adds an auxialiary variable in a circuit.

searchbddcircuitout - searches a specified output in a circuit.

addbddcircuitout - adds a new output in a circuit.

delbddcircuitout - deletes a specified output in a circuit.

addbddcircuitabl - converts an abl to a bdd node.

- converts a bdd node to an abl.

- converts a bdd node to an abl.

viewbddcircuit - displays a bdd circuit.

cofactorbddnode - computes the generalized cofactor.

restrictbddnode - substitutes a variable by zero or one.

composebddnode - substitutes a variable by a bdd node.

convertbddindexabl - converts a bdd index to an atomic abl.

convertbddmuxabl - converts a bdd node to a multiplexor.

convertbddnodeabl - converts a bdd node to an abl.

- converts a bdd node to an abl.

existbddnodeassocon - computes an existantial quantification.

- computes an existantial quantification.

garbagebddsystem - forces a bdd garbage collection.

implybddnode - computes a bdd that implies a conjonction.

intersectbddnode - tests for an intersection.

markbddnode - marks a bdd node.

unmarkbddnode - clears a marked bdd node.

getbddnodenum - gets the number of nodes in a bdd.

getbddnodesize - gets the number of nodes in a bdd.

addbddnode - adds a new bdd node.

addbddnodelist - adds a node in a chain_list.

delbddnode - deletes a bdd node.

delbddnodelist - deletes a list of bdd nodes.

viewbddnode - displays a bdd node.

incbddrefext - increments the number of external reference.

incbddrefint - increments the number of internal reference.

decbddrefext - decrements the number of external reference.

decbddrefint - decrements the number of internal reference.

setbddrefext - sets a node visible from outside.

unsetbddrefext - sets a node invisible from outside.

- clears all the internal references.

- clears all the external references.

clearbddsystemref - clears all the references.

relprodbddnodeassoc - computes a relation product.

- reorders the bdd nodes.

- reorders the bdd nodes.

reorderbddsystemtop - reorders the bdd nodes.

- sets the dynamic reorder parameters.

satisfybddnode - finds a satisfying path for a bdd.

simpbddnodedcon - simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its on-set.

simpbddnodedcoff - simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its off-set

substbddnodeassoc - substitutes variables with bdd nodes.

getbddnodesupport - gives the support of a bdd node.

isbddvarinsupport - checks if a variable appears in a bdd node.

createbddsystem - creates a bdd system.

resetbddsystem - resets a bdd system.

destroybddsystem - frees a bdd system.

viewbddsystem - displays a bdd system.

viewbddsysteminfo - displays statisticals informations.

testbddcircuit - debbugs a bdd circuit.

addbddvar - creates a new variable.

addbddvarlast - creates a new variable.

addbddvarfirst - creates a new variable.

addbddvarbefore - creates a new variable.

addbddvarafter - creates a new variable.

sweepbddvar - sweeps all the unused nodes for a variable.

swapbddvar - swaps two contigous variables.

getbddvarbyindex - converts bdd index to a variable number.

getbddvarindex - converts a variable number in a bdd index.

getbddvarnode - gives the bdd node of a variable.

- gives the bdd node of a variable.

addbddvarauxsingle - creates an auxiliary variable.

addbddvarauxglobal - creates an auxiliary variable.

libBdd101.a :

allocbdduserfunc, allocbddheath, allocbddhnode, allocbddhoper, allocbddhnodetable,
allocbddhopertable, allocbddblock, allocbddnodeblock, allocbddvartree, allocbddvarchild,
allocbddvarnode, allocbddindexnode, allocbddvar, allocbddindex, allocbddassoc,
allocbddassocnode, allocbddnamein, allocbddindexin, allocbddsystem, allocbddcircuit,
viewbddallocinfo, applybddnodenot, applybddnodeterm, applybddnode, applybddnodeite,
applybddnodelist, addbddassoc, addbddnodeassoc, delbddassoc, delbddnodeassoc,
destroybddassoc, viewbddassoc, addbddblock, createbddblock, resetbddblock,
destroybddblock, viewbddblock, checkbddvar, checkbddindex, checkbddoper, checkbddassoc,
checkbddmaxnode, createbddcircuit, resetbddcircuit, destroybddcircuit, searchbddcircuitin,
addbddcircuitin, addbddcircuitaux, searchbddcircuitout, addbddcircuitout,
delbddcircuitout, addbddcircuitabl, convertbddcircuitabl, convertbddcircuitsumabl,
viewbddcircuit, cofactorbddnode, restrictbddnode, composebddnode, convertbddindexabl,
convertbddmuxabl, convertbddnodeabl, convertbddnodesumabl, existbddnodeassocon,
existbddnodeassocoff, freebdduserfunc, freebddheath, freebddhnode, freebddhoper,
freebddhnodetable, freebddhopertable, freebddblock, freebddnodeblock, freebddvartree,
freebddvarchild, freebddvarnode, freebddindexnode, freebddvar, freebddindex, freebddassoc,
freebddassocnode, freebddnamein, freebddindexin, freebddsystem, freebddcircuit,
garbagebddsystem, getbddheathvar, getbddheath, delbddheath, setbddhnodefunc,
getbddhnodesize, getbddhnodekey, getbddhnodeindex, checkbddhnode, createbddhnodetable,
destroybddhnodetable, resetbddhnodetable, resizebddhnodetable, stretchbddhnodetable,
addbddhnode, delbddhnode, viewbddhnode, viewbddhnodetable, viewbddindexnode,
viewbddvarnode, setbddhoperfunc, getbddhopersize, getbddhoperkey, createbddhopertable,
destroybddhopertable, resetbddhopertable, addbddhoper, searchbddhoper, viewbddhoper,
viewbddhopertable, implybddnode, intersectbddnode, markbddnode, unmarkbddnode,
getbddnodenum, getbddnodesize, addbddnode, addbddnodelist, delbddnode, delbddnodelist,
viewbddnode, incbddrefext, incbddrefint, decbddrefext, decbddrefint, setbddrefext,
unsetbddrefext, clearbddsystemrefint, clearbddsystemrefext, clearbddsystemref,
relprodbddnodeassoc, reorderbddvartreewindow2, reorderbddvartreewindow3,
reorderbddsystemsimple, reorderbddsystemwindow, reorderbddsystemtop,
reorderbddsystemdynamic, resizebddvarchild, resizebddvarnode, resizebddvar,
resizebddindexnode, resizebddindex, resizebddassocnode, resizebddnamein, resizebddindexin,
satisfybddnode, simpbddnodedcon, simpbddnodedcoff, substbddnodeassoc, getbddnodesupport,
isbddvarinsupport, createbddsystem, resetbddsystem, destroybddsystem, viewbddsystem,
viewbddsysteminfo, testbddcircuit, addbdduserfunc, delbdduserfunc, execbdduserfunc,
destroybdduserfunc, newbddvar, addbddvar, addbddvarlast, addbddvarfirst, addbddvarbefore,
addbddvarafter, sweepbddvar, swapbddvar, getbddvarbyindex, getbddvarindex, getbddvarnode,
getbddvarnodebyindex, addbddvarauxsingle, addbddvarauxglobal, searchbddvartree,
deltabddvartree, shiftbddvartree, addbddvartree, swapbddvartree, createbddvartree,
resetbddvartree, destroybddvartree, viewbddvartree.

Use bdd online using onworks.net services

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