bf-animation-editor - Online in the Cloud

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bf-animation-editor — The animation editor for the Bear Engine.


bf-animation-editor [-h] [--log-concise] [--log-file=file] [--log-level=string]
[--log-uniq] [-c] [-u] file(s) ...


This program is the animation editor for the Bear Engine. This is a part of the Bear


The following options can be passed to the program:

-c, --compile
Compile the files and exit.

-h, --help
Show summary of options.

Do not display log messages that have recently been displayed.

Write log output in "file".

Output log messages up to a given level, among "error", "warning" and "verbose".

Do not display the same log message successively.

-u, --update
Open and save the animation files.

-v, --version
Print the version of the editor and exit.

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