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"biber" - A bibtex replacement for users of biblatex


biber [options] file[.bcf]
biber [options] --tool <datasource>

Creates "file.bbl" using control file "file.bcf" (".bcf" extension is
optional). Normally use with biblatex requires no options as they are
all set in biblatex and passed via the ".bcf" file

In "tool" mode (see B<--tool> option), takes a datasource (defaults to
"bibtex" datasource) and outputs a copy of the datasource with any command-line
or config file options applied.

Please run "biber --help" for option details


"biber" provides a replacement of the bibtex processor for users of biblatex.


If running as a PAR::Packer binary, show the cache location and exit.

Clears any BibTeX macros (@STRING) between BibLaTeX refsections. This prevents BibTeX
warnings about macro redefinitions if you are using the same datasource several times
for different refsections.

Sort with "Unicode::Collate" instead of the built-in sort function. This is the

--collate-options|-c [options]
Options to pass to the "Unicode::Collate" object used for sorting (default is 'level
=> "4", variable => "non-ignorable"'). See "perldoc Unicode::Collate" for details.

--configfile|-g [file]
Use file as configuration file for "biber". The default is the first file found among
biber.conf in the current directory, "$HOME/.biber.conf", or else the output of
"kpsewhich biber.conf". In tool mode, (--tool) the biber-tool.conf installed with
Biber is always used to set defaults before potentially overriding the defaults with a
user-defined config specified with this option. Use the --tool-config option to view
the location of the default tool mode config file.

Converts the .bcf control file into html using an XSLT transform. Can be useful for
debugging. File is named by appending ".html" to .bcf file.

--decodecharsset=[recode set name]
The set of characters included in the conversion routine when decoding LaTeX macros
into UTF-8 (which happens when --bblencoding|-E is set to UTF-8). Set to "full" to try
harder with a much larger set or "base" to use a smaller basic set. Default is "base".
You may want to try "full" if you have less common UTF-8 characters in your data
source. The recode sets are defined in the reencoding data file which can be
customised. See the --recodedata option and the PDF manual. The virtual set name
"null" may be specified which effectively turns off macro decoding.

Turn on debugging for "biber".

Specifies the element to include in GraphViz DOT output format if the output format is
'dot'. You can also choose to display crossref, xref, xdata and/or related entry
connections. The default if not specified is

Use Perl's sort instead of "Unicode::Collate" for sorting. Also uses OS locale
definitions (which may be broken for some languages ...).

Try to fix broken multiple initials when they have no space between them in BibTeX
data sources. That is, "A.B. Clarke" becomes "A. B. Clarke" before name parsing. This
can slightly mess up things like "{U.K. Government}" and other esoteric cases.

Show this help message.

--input-directory [directory]
.bcf and data files will be looked for first in the directory. See the biber PDF
documentation for the other possibilities and how this interacts with the
"--output_directory" option.

--input-encoding|-e [encoding]
Specify the encoding of the data source file(s). Default is "UTF-8" Normally it's not
necessary to set this as it's passed via the .bcf file from biblatex's "bibencoding"
option. See "perldoc Encode::Supported" for a list of supported encodings. The
legacy option --bibencoding is supported as an alias.

Biber input format. This option only means something in tool mode (see tool option)
since normally the input format of a data source is specified in the .bcf file and
therefore from the \addbibresouce macro in BibLaTeX. The default value when in tool
mode is 'bibtex'

Force all ISBNs to 10-digit versions on output. This will convert the ISBN internally
to an ISBN object which will not have hyphens on output. If you use this option and
want an ISBN with hyphens in the correct place on output, use the --isbn-normalise

Force all ISBNs to 13-digit versions on output. This will convert the ISBN internally
to an ISBN object which will not have hyphens on output. If you use this option and
want an ISBN with hyphens in the correct place on output, use the --isbn-normalise

Normalise ISBNs with hyphens in the correct places on output.

--logfile [file]
Use file.blg as the name of the logfile.

Use sep as the separator for BibTeX data source list fields. Defaults to BibTeX's
usual 'and'.

--mincrossrefs|-m [number]
Set threshold for crossrefs.

Use sep as the separator for BibTeX data source name fields. Defaults to BibTeX's
usual 'and'.

Don't look for a configfile.

Don't exit on errors, just log and continue as far as possible. This can be useful if
the error is something from, for example, the underlying BibTeX parsing C library
which can complain about parsing errors which can be ignored.

Do not write any logfile.

Don't automatically define any standard macros like month abbreviations. If you also
define these yourself, this option can be used to suppress macro redefinition

Do not write any message to screen.

Use string as the final name in a name field which implies "et al". Defaults to
BibTeX's usual 'others'.

Align field values in neat columns in output. Effect depends on the output format.
Default is false. The legacy option --tool_align is supported as an alias.

--output-directory [directory]
Output files (including log files) are output to directory instead of the current
directory. Input files are also looked for in directory before current directory (but
after "--input_directory" if that is specified).

--output-encoding|-E [encoding]
Specify the encoding of the output ".bbl" file. Default is "UTF-8". Normally it's not
necessary to set this as it's passed via the .bcf file from biblatex's "texencoding"
option. See "perldoc Encode::Supported" for a list of supported encodings. The
legacy option --bblencoding is supported as an alias.

Indentation for body of entries in output. Effect depends on the output format.
Defaults to 2. The legacy option --tool_indent is supported as an alias.

Case for field names output. Effect depends on the output format. Defaults to 'upper'.
The legacy option --tool_fieldcase is supported as an alias.

--output-file|-O [file]
Output to file instead of basename.bbl file is relative to --output_directory, if set
(absolute paths in this case are stripped to filename only). file can be absolute if
--output_directory is not set. The legacy option --outfile is supported as an alias.

Biber output format. Default if not specified is of course, bbl. Use dot to output a
GraphViz DOT file instead of .bbl. This is a directed graph of the bibliography data
showing entries and, as requested, sections and fields. You must process this file
with "dot", e.g. "dot -Tsvg -o test.svg" to render the graph. See the
--dot_include option to select what is included in the DOT output. The legacy option
--outformat is supported as an alias.

--output-macro-fields=[field1, ... fieldn]
A comma-separated list of field names whose values are, on output, treated as BibTeX
macros. Effectively this means that they are not wrapped in braces. Effect depends on
the output format. The legacy option --tool_macro_fields is supported as an alias.

Whether to resolve aliases and inheritance (XDATA, CROSSREF etc.) in tool mode.
Defaults to 'false'. The legacy option --tool_resolve is supported as an alias.

Try to convert UTF-8 chars into LaTeX macros when writing the output. This can
prevent unknown char errors when using PDFLaTeX and inputenc as this doesn't
understand all of UTF-8. Note, it is better to switch to XeTeX or LuaTeX to avoid this
situation. By default uses the --output_safecharsset "base" set of characters. The
legacy option --bblsafechars is supported as an alias.

--output-safecharsset=[recode set name]
The set of characters included in the conversion routine for --output_safechars. Set
to "full" to try harder with a much larger set or "base" to use a basic set. Default
is "base" which is fine for most use cases. You may need to load more macro packages
to deal with the results of "full" (Dings, Greek characters, special symbols etc.).
The recode sets are defined in the reencoding data file which can be customised. See
the --recodedata option and the PDF manual. The legacy option --bblsafecharsset is
supported as an alias. The virtual set name "null" may be specified which effectively
turns off macro encoding.

Log only errors. If this option is used more than once, don't even log errors.

The data file to use for the reencoding between UTF-8 and LaTeX macros. It defines the
sets specified with the --output_safecharsset and --decodecharsset options. It
defaults to recode_data.xml in the same directory as Biber's module. See
the PDF documentation for the format of this file. If this option is used, then file
should be somewhere "kpsewhich" can find it.

Don't skip duplicate bibliography keys if found. The detection of duplicate keys is
done across all data sources. Sometimes you might need duplicates when using several
data sources across several refsections in which case you might need to use this

Case-sensitive sorting (default is true).

When sorting names, use only the first name initials, not full first name. Some people
expect the biblatex firstinits option to do this but it needs to be a separate option
in case users, for example, need to show only initials but sort with full first names
(default is false).

--sortlocale|-l [locale]
Set the locale to be used for sorting. With default sorting (--collate|-C), the
locale is used to add CLDR tailoring to the sort (if available for the locale). With
--fastsort|-f this sets the OS locale for sorting.

Whether to sort uppercase before lowercase when using default sorting (--collate|-C).
When using --fastsort|-f, your OS collation locale determines this and this option is
ignored (default is true).

Don't try to use the default Mozilla CA certificates when using HTTPS to fetch remote
data. This assumes that the user will set one of the perl LWP::UserAgent module
environment variables to find the CA certs.

Turn off host verification when using HTTPS to fetch remote data sources. You may
need this if the SSL certificate is self-signed for example.

In tool mode, strip all comments from the output file.

Run in tool mode. This mode is datasource centric rather than document centric. biber
reads a datasource (and a config file if specified), applies the command-line and
config file options to the datasource and writes a new datasource. Essentially, this
allows you to change your data sources using biber's transformation options (such as
source mapping, sorting etc.)

Show the location of the default tool mode config file and exit. Useful when you need
to copy this file and customise it.

Turn on tracing. Also turns on --debug|d and additionally provides a lot of low-level
tracing information in the log.

-u Alias for --input_encoding=UTF-8

-U Alias for --output_encoding=UTF-8

Schema validate the biber config file.

Schema validate the .bcf biblatex control file.

Validate the data against a data model.

Display version number.

Wrap lines in the .bbl file.

Use sep as the separator for fields of format type "xsv" in the data model. A Perl
regexp can be specified. Defaults to a single comma surround by optional whitespace

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