chronyc - Online in the Cloud

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chronyc - command-line interface for chronyd


chronyc [OPTIONS]


chrony is a pair of programs for maintaining the accuracy of computer clocks.

chronyc is a command-line interface program which can be used to monitor chronyd's
performance and to change various operating parameters whilst it is running.


A detailed description of all commands supported by chronyc is available via the
documentation supplied with the distribution (chrony.txt and chrony.texi).


A summary of the options supported by chronyc is included below.

-h hostname
specify hostname (default

-p port-number
specify port-number

-n display raw IP addresses (don't attempt to look up hostnames)

-4 resolve hostnames only to IPv4 addresses

-6 resolve hostnames only to IPv6 addresses

-m allow multiple commands to be specified on the command line. Each argument will be
interpreted as a whole command.

-f conf-file
This option can be used to specify an alternate location for the configuration file
(default /etc/chrony/chrony.conf). The configuration file is needed for the -a

-a With this option chronyc will try to authenticate automatically on start. It will
read the configuration file, read the command key from the keyfile and run the
authhash and password commands.

specify command. If no command is given, chronyc will read commands interactively.

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