cifscreds - Online in the Cloud

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cifscreds - manage NTLM credentials in kernel keyring


cifscreds add|clear|clearall|update [-u username] [-d] host|domain


The cifscreds program is a tool for managing credentials (username and password) for the
purpose of establishing sessions in multiuser mounts.

When a cifs filesystem is mounted with the "multiuser" option, and does not use krb5
authentication, it needs to be able to get the credentials for each user from somewhere.
The cifscreds program is the tool used to provide these credentials to the kernel.

The first non-option argument to cifscreds is a command (see the COMMANDS section below).
The second non-option argument is a hostname or address, or an NT domain name.


add Add credentials to the kernel to be used for connecting to the given server, or
servers in the given domain.

Clear credentials for a particular host or domain from the kernel.

Clear all cifs credentials from the kernel.

Update stored credentials in the kernel with a new username and password.


-d, --domain
The provided host/domain argument is a NT domainname.

Ordinarily the second argument provided to cifscreds is treated as a hostname or IP
address. This option causes the cifscreds program to treat that argument as an NT
domainname instead.

If there are not host specific credentials for the mounted server, then the kernel
will next look for a set of domain credentials equivalent to the domain= option
provided at mount time.

-u, --username
Ordinarily, the username is derived from the unix username of the user adding the
credentials. This option allows the user to substitute a different username.


The cifscreds utility requires a kernel built with support for the login key type. That
key type was added in v3.3 in mainline Linux kernels.

Since cifscreds adds keys to the session keyring, it is highly recommended that one use
pam_keyinit to ensure that a session keyring is established at login time.

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