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cldump - Clarion database extractor


cldump [options] database.dat


cldump extracts the data contained in a Clarion database; Clarion is a Windows IDE similar
to Delphi or others, and has its own (simple) database format.

cldump can extract the data contained in such a database, and export it to CSV, SQL
(including the database schema, keys and indexes) or its own format (this format will give
you all the meta information, but isn't easily parsable).

A Clarion database consists in a set of files :

.DAT files contain the data,

.Kxx files contain the key/index data,

.MEM files contain the memo entries associated to the data.


-x n, --decrypt n
Decrypt an encrypted file. Required argument n indicates the location where the key
will be retrieved. Valid values are in the range 1 - 4 inclusive. n = 1 usually

Decryption happens in-place so KEEP A BACKUP as there is no guarantee the
decryption process won't fail. Encrypted files must be decrypted before they can be

Note that only the data file and the memo file are decrypted in this process;
key/index files are left untouched as cldump doesn't use them.

-d, --dump-active
Dump active entries only

-D, --dump-data
Dump the actual data (active and deleted entries)

-m, --dump-meta
Dump meta information (no SQL or CSV output format exist for this option)

-f c, --field-separator c
Set the field separator to character c. Only valid for CSV output (see below).

-c, --csv
Dump data or schema in CSV format

-S, --sql
Dump data or schema in SQL format

-s, --schema
Dump database schema

-M, --mysql
Use MySQL specific construct (backticks, ...)

-n, --no-memo
Do not dump memo entries

-U[charset], --utf8[=charset]
Transcode strings and memos from charset to UTF-8 (charset defaults to ISO8859-1;
for the list of supported charsets, see iconv --list)


cldump outputs the data to stdout or stderr depending on the output format selected, the
data to extract and the type of the data (data, meta data).

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