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clfdomainsplit - Online in the Cloud

Run clfdomainsplit in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command clfdomainsplit that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



clfdomainsplit - split Common-Log Format web logs based on domain name


clfdomainsplit [--help] [-i input] [-d defaultfile] [-c cfg-file] [-o directory]


The clfdomainsplit program will split up large CLF format web logs based on domain name.
This is for creating separate log analysis passes for each domain hosted on your server.


The input parameter specifies the file to read (default is standard input).

The defaultfile parameter specifies where data goes if it doesn't have a domain (either
it has an IP address for the server or it doesn't have the server-name - the URL is
relative to the root of the web server only). The default will be to print them on
standard error.

The cfg-file parameter is for specifying the rules for determining what is a different
domain name. For example www.coker.com.au belongs in the same file as coker.com.au and
abc.coker.com.au because domain names ending in .au have three major components. The
domain names www.workbenelux.nl and workbenelux.nl belong in the same file because domain
names ending in .nl have two major components (as do .com, and .gov), wheras anything
ending in .va belongs to the same organization. The rules are of the form number:pattern
which lists the number of domain parts which are significant (2 for .com and for a simple
string comparison, the default will be:





If no config file is specified then it will look for /etc/clfdomainsplit.cfg. Of course
comments start with #. Also note that the first match will be used!

The directory parameter is to specify the location for the files to be created (default is
the current directory). I recommend that you use a directory for this and nothing else as
you never know how many files may be created!


0 No errors

1 Bad parameters

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