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cmtk-fit_affine_xform - Online in the Cloud

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fit_affine_xform - Fit Single Affine Transformation to Concatenated List


fit_affine_xform InputImage XformList


Fit a linear affine transformation to a list of concatenated, optionally inverted,


Global Toolkit Options (these are shared by all CMTK tools)
Write list of basic command line options to standard output.

Write complete list of basic and advanced command line options to standard output.

Write list of command line options to standard output in MediaWiki markup.

Write man page source in 'nroff' markup to standard output.

Write toolkit version to standard output.

Write the current command line to standard output.

--verbose-level <integer>
Set verbosity level.

--verbose, -v
Increment verbosity level by 1 (deprecated; supported for backward compatibility).

--threads <integer>
Set maximum number of parallel threads (for POSIX threads and OpenMP).

Input Options
--inversion-tolerance <double>
Numerical tolerance of B-spline inversion in mm. Smaller values will lead to more
accurate inversion, but may increase failure rate. [Default: 1e-08]

Fitting Options
Fit rigid transformation (rotation and translation only) using SVD.

Fit full affine transformation (rotation, translation, scales, shears) using
pseudoinverse. [This is the default]

Output Options
--output <transformation-path>, -o <transformation-path>
Path for the output transformation. [Default: NONE]


Torsten Rohlfing, with contributions from Michael P. Hasak, Greg Jefferis, Calvin R.
Maurer, Daniel B. Russakoff, and Yaroslav Halchenko

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