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comdraw - drawtool with distributed command interpreter


comdraw [-port n] [-import n] ['X-params'] [file]


comdraw is a drawing editor with integrated command interpreter the user can interact with
via stdin and stdout (or via telnet if ACE is built in). The command syntax is a semi-
colon separated list of commands with arbitrary number of parameters enclosed in
parenthesis, with support for optional parameters and keyword arguments, i.e:

command1(arg1 arg2 arg3 :key1 val1 :key2 val2);
command2(arg1 arg2 arg3 :key1 val1 :key2 val2)

The literals and operators of C are all supported except for the syntax of the conditional
operator "?:". See the comterp documentation for more details.

All arguments to commands documented below are integers unless indicated by a suffix of
str (which are strings embedded in quotes) or flt (which are conventional floating point
numbers). "compview" is a graphical object assigned to an interpreter variable.


compview=rect(x0,y0,x1,y1) -- create a rectangle
compview=rectangle(x0,y0,x1,y1) -- same as rect
compview=line(x0,y0,x1,y1) -- create a line
compview=arrowline(x0,y0,x1,y1) -- create line with arrows
compview=ellipse(x0,y0,r1,r2) -- create a rectangle
compview=text(x0,y0 textstr) -- create a text string
compview=multiline(x0,y0[,x1,y1,...]) --
create a multiline
compview=arrowmultiline(x0,y0[,x1,y1,...]) --
create a multiline with arrows
compview=openspline(x0,y0[,x1,y1,...]) --
create an open spline
compview=arrowspline(x0,y0[,x1,y1,...]) --
create an open spline with arrows
compview=polygon(x0,y0[,x1,y1,...]) --
create a polygon
compview=closedspline(x0,y0[,x1,y1,...]) --
create a closed spline
compview=raster(x0,y0,x1,y1) --
create an empty raster


xylist=center(compview :xy :yx :x :y :scrn) -- center of compview (dflt :xy)
rectlist=mbr(compview :lbrt :lrbt :scrn) -- minimum bounding rectangle of compview (dflt
ptlist=points(compview) -- return point list from compview graphic


font(fontnum) -- set current font from menu
brush(brushnum) -- set current brush from menu
pattern(patternnum) --
set current pattern from menu
colors(fgcolornum bgcolornum) --
set current colors from menu
colorsrgb(fgcolornum bgcolornum) -- set current colors by RGB name. The colorname
format is "#RGB" for 4 bits, "#RRGGBB" for 8 bits, #RRRGGGBBB for 12 bits,
#RRRRGGGGBBBB for 16 bits

nfonts() -- return size of font menu
nbrushes() -- return size of brush menu
npatterns() -- return size of pattern menu
ncolors() -- return size of color menus


select([compview ...] :all :clear) --
make these graphics the current selection
delete(compview [compview ...]) -- delete graphic(s)
move(dx dy) -- move current selection
scale(xflt yflt) -- scale current selection
rotate(degflt) -- rotate current selection
fliph() -- horizontally flip current selection
flipv() -- vertically flip current selection


newgroup=growgroup(groupview compview) -- add graphic to existing group graphic
newgroup=trimgroup(groupview compview) -- remove graphic from existing group graphic


compview=setattr(compview [:keyword value [:keyword value [...]]]) -- set attributes of a
graphic component
attrlist(compview) -- return attribute list of component
compview=frame([index]) -- return composite component for a frame, defaults to current
val=at(list|attrlist|compview n :set val :ins val) -- return (or set or insert after) the
nth item in a list.
num=size(list|attrlist|compview) -- return size of a list.
compview=parent(compview) -- get parent of graphic
comp=depth(comps) -- depth-first walk of comp tree


update() -- update viewer

error=save([pathstr]) -- command to save document (to pathname)
compview=import(pathstr :popen :next) -- import graphic file from pathname or URL, or
from a command if :popen
(:next imports next in numeric series)
export(compview[,compview[,...compview]] [path] :host host_str :port port_int :socket
:string|:str :eps :idraw) -- remote in drawtool (or other) format
compview=paste(compview [xscale yscale xoff yoff | a00,a01,a10,a11,a20,a21]) -- paste
graphic into the viewer
val=pastemode([val] :get) -- toggle or set paste mode, default is 0, always paste new

ncols() -- onscreen horizontal extent in pixels
nrows() -- onscreen vertical extent in pixels

dx,dy=stod(sx,sy) -- convert from screen to drawing coordinates
sx,sy=dtos(dx,dy) -- convert from drawing to screen coordinates
dx,dy=gtod(compview gx,gy) -- convert from graphic to drawing coordinates
gx,gy=dtog(compview dx,dy) -- convert from drawing to graphic coordinates

handles(flag) --
enable/disable current selection tic marks
and/or highlighting
highlight(compview compviewgs) -- set the highlight graphic state for a graphic

zoom(zoomflt) -- zoom by factor
zoomin() -- zoom-in by 2
zoomout() -- zoom-out by 2

pan(px py) -- pan viewer
smallpanup() -- small pan up
smallpandown() -- small pan down
smallpanleft() -- small pan left
smallpanright() - small pan right
largepanup() -- large pan up
largepandown() -- large pan down
largepanleft() -- large pan left
largepanright() -- large pan right

gravity([flag]) -- set/get drawing editor gravity
gridspacing([xsize ysize]) -- set/get drawing editor grid spacing

hide(compview) -- hide graphic component
show(compview) -- show graphic component
desensitize(compview) -- desensitize graphic component
sensitize(compview) -- desensitize graphic component


tilefile(inpath outpath [xsize] [ysiz]) -- tile pgm or ppm image file
val=peek(compview x y) -- peek pixel value into raster
poke(compview x y val) -- poke pixel value into raster
pokeline(compview x y vallist) -- poke list of values into a raster line.
pcols(compview) -- number of columns in a raster
pcols(compview) -- number of rows in a raster
pflush(compview) -- flush pixels poked into a raster
pclip(compview x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3[,...,xn,yn]) -- clip raster with polygon
alpha(compview [alphaval]) -- set/get alpha transparency


-- requires plotmtv and pstoedit -- barplot([var_str value_float] [...] :title title_str
:xtitle xtitle_str :ytitle ytitle_str :valtitle valtitle_str :newview) -- display a


acknowledgebox(msgstr) -- popup an acknowledge dialog box
confirmbox(msgstr) -- popup a confirmation dialog box, and return 1, 0, or -1 if

run(filename) -- run commands from file
quit() -- quit this interpreter
exit() -- exit entire application
pause([msgstr] :usec num) -- pause script execution until C/R


-port n, specifies the port number to accept command interpreter connections on.

-import n, specifies the port number run the import service on. The import service
accepts connections over the net and reads drawtool format data.

-stripped n, brings up a comdraw without any menubar, toolbar, panner, slider, or zoomer.
It can be controlled via stdin or telnet if built with ACE.

-rampsize n,
selects the rampsize used for gray-level image processing.

-theight n, (or "-th n") selects the automatic raster tiling height.

-twidth n, (or "-tw n") selects the automatic raster tiling width.

enables the automatic raster tiling.

Also see the -help message and the drawtool and idraw man pages for further options.

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