dadadodo - Online in the Cloud

This is the command dadadodo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dadadodo - exterminate all rational thought


dadadodo [ options ] [ input-files ]


dadadodo is a program that analyses texts for Markov chains of word probabilities and then
generates random sentences based on those probabilities. Sometimes these sentences are
nonsense, but sometimes they cut right through to the heart of the matter and reveal
hidden meanings.


dadadodo accepts the following options:

-c, -count n
Generate n sentences.

-h, -help
Show summary of options and exit.

-html Output HTML instead of plain text.

-l, -load file
Load compiled data from file (‘-’ for standard input).

-o, -output file
Save compiled data in file (‘-’ for standard output).

-p, -pause s
Delay s seconds between paragraphs.

-w, -columns columns
Format output for a device columns character cells in width. If not specified, the
value of the environment variable COLUMNS is used to determine the width. If that
variable is not defined, a width of 72 is assumed.


Non-option arguments are input files. These should be text files, but may be mail folders
or HTML. MIME messages are handled sensibly. When no output file is specified, sentences
will be generated from the input data directly. However, loading a saved file is far
faster than re-parsing the text files each time.


Determines the width (in character cells) of the output if the -w, -columns option
is not used. If not set, a width of 72 is assumed.

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