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dbget - Retrieve database entries for a named database, data type and data identifier


dbget -database string -datatype string -identifier string [-outfile outfile]
-outdir outdir

dbget -help


dbget is a command line program from EMBOSS (“the European Molecular Biology Open Software
Suite”). It is part of the "Utils:Misc" command group(s).


Input section
-database string
This is the name of a database from the catalogue of public databases in the EMBOSS
data file DRCAT.dat. If you are unsure of the available databases use dbfind. If you
have a database name but are not sure its valid, use isdbname.

-datatype string
This is the name of a retrievable datatype from the catalogue of public databases in
the EMBOSS data file DRCAT.dat. The names are terms from the 'data' branch of the EDAM
ontology, http://edamontology.sourceforge.net/. If you are unsure of the available
retrievable datatypes for a given database, use dbtellquery. If you have a datatype
name but are not sure its valid, use isdbdata.

-identifier string
This is a data identifier (e.g. a sequence accession number) that is used to specify
the data (of type 'datatype') to retrieve. If you're unsure of the data identifier(s)
that are used for a given query (database/datatype) use dbtellquery. The types of data
identifier are listed under the 'Data identifier' branch of the EDAM ontology
(http://edamontology.sourceforge.net/). For example values, see the catalogue of
public databases in the EMBOSS data file DRCAT.dat. If you have a data identifier but
are unsure of its type, use idtell.

Required section
Additional section
Advanced section
Output section
-outfile outfile
Default value: stdout

-outdir outdir
Default value: .

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