This is the command dgate that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
dgate-dbase - UCDMC/NKI DICOM server thread and PACS utility application
dgate -wDIR -^LOGFILE
Starts dgate with dicom.ini located at DIR and logging to LOGFILE
Sends COMMAND with ARGS directly to dgate instance at IP:PORT
ConQuest is a full featured and Lua-scriptable DICOM server.
To check DICOM conformance, please check /usr/share/doc/conquest-dicom-
DGATE: UCDMC/NKI DICOM server thread and PACS utility application 1.4.17d
There are three common patterns to use dgate. And those patterns have different ways to
interpret options, as follows. Other options are described below.
Usage: (1) DGATE <-!#|-v|-u#|-^#> Report as in dicom.ini|stdout|UDP|File(#=port)
Set port|Set target IP|run debug 1-thread mode
Set the working directory for dgate(ini,dic,...)
Init|Init/regenerate DB|Regen single device
List (-d) devices (-m) AE map (-k) DICOM.SQL
Test console|Test database
[-sOpt|-esap d u p]
Create ODBC source (WIN32), database with SApw
NKI de-/compress#|JPEG de-/compress# FILE
Recompress FILE to ##
Select#KB to archive of MAGN|move device data
Undo select for archiving|rename device
Verify mirror disk|Test read files for DEVICE
Make cacheset to burn JUKEBOX1,CD2 from MAGN
Verify JUKEBOX1,CD2 against cacheset
Verify and delete cacheset for JUKEBOX1, CD2
Delete DB for Patient, sTudy, Series, Image
Enter/Delete DB of file, Zap server file
Add file to server<optionally change PATID>
[-zID] Delete (zap) patient
Regen single directory DIR on DEVICE
Change/Kopy PATID of file (irreversible/once)
get UID of file|Make new UID|UID helper(0..99)
[-ff#] Delete old patients until #MB free
grab images from SERVER of date not on here Otherwise: run as threaded server,
(2) DGATE FileMapping Run server child; shared memory has socket#
(3) DGATE <-pPORT> <-qIP> --command:arguments
Send command to (this or other) running server
(works directly - use with care)
Delete options:
Delete given image file from server
Delete given patient from server
Delete given study from server
Delete studies from server on date
Delete given series from server
Delete given file from db only
Delete specified image from db only
DICOM move options:
Move patient, source e.g. (local)
Move study, patid: optional
Move by Accession#, patid: optional
Move studies on date
Move series patid: optional
Modification of dicom objects:
Change patid of given file
Anonymize given file
Change items in patient or study
Change items in series
Change items in file
Start merging studies with given studyuids
Use to process all files to merge
Start merging series with given seriesuids
Use to process all files to merge
Modify uids to attach any object to
patient|study|series in sample file
Do not attach same at different levels
Attach rtplan to rtstruct
Maintenance options:
Clear and create database
Clear and create database without indices
Clear and create worklist database
Re-generate entire database
Re-generate database for single device
Re-generate database for single directory
Re-enter given file in database
Delete old patients to make #MB space
Stop the server
Stop the server when not active
Logging options:
Start debug logging
Start normal logging
Set debug logging level
Display server status
Display status string of submit operation
Estimates DICOM object size limit
Report free #Mb on device
Append # to dicom filenames
Echo server; show response
Configuration options:
Read any parameter from DICOM.INI
Read any parameter from DICOM.INI
List any entry from DICOM.INI
List all entries from DICOM.INI
Write any parameter to DICOM.INI
Delete any parameter from DICOM.INI
Re-read all parameters from DICOM.INI
List any entry from ACRNEMA.MAP
List all entries from ACRNEMA.MAP
Write entry in memory for ACRNEMA.MAP
Delete entry in memory for ACRNEMA.MAP
Write ACRNEMA.MAP from memory to disk
Re-read ACRNEMA.MAP from disk to memory
List any accepted service class UID
Write/add accepted service class UID
Delete accepted service class UID
List any accepted transfer syntax
Write/add accepted transfer syntax
Delete accepted transfer syntax
List any accepted application UID
Write/add accepted application UID
Delete accepted application UID
List any accepted local AE title
Write/add accepted local AE title
Delete accepted local AE title
List any accepted remote AE title
Write/add accepted remote AE title
Delete accepted remote AE title
List any dicom dictionary item
List any database field definition
Communication options:
Copy file into server, optionally new patid
Copy local file into server, opt. new patid
Load folder and delete its contents
Load HL7 data into worklist
Create header dump of file
Send file with compr. mode to server
Update this server from other
Prefetch all images for improved speed
Select patient in windows GUI
Immediate sftp submit of data
Immediate submit with command line c
Immediate process and zip/7z data
Background sftp transfer as above
Test options:
Generate an UID
Give new UID as generated now or before
Give old UID from one generated above
Give checksum of string
Enter file in server with many compressions
Clone db from server for testing
Conversion options:
Downsize and convert to mono GIF
Downsize and convert to color BMP
Downsize and convert to color JPG
Downsize/compress/frame DICOM
Select frames of DICOM file
report # frames in DICOM file
Uncompress DICOM
Compress DICOM to mode e.g. J2
Internal WADO server
Database options:
Arbitrary query output to file
Same but limit output rows to max
List patients on server
List studies on server
List series on server
List images on server
List series in a study
List (local) files in a series
--extract:PatientID = 'id'
Extract all dbase tables to X..
Extract patient dbase table to XA..
Append record, values must be in ''
Delete record from table
For DbaseIII without ODBC:
Pack database, recreate memory index
Re-create memory index
Archival options:
Rename device in database
Verify mirror disk for selected device
Test read all images on device
Move patients from one device to another
Move series from one device to another
Step 1 for archival: to device.Archival
Step 1 for archival: to device.Archival
Step 2 for archival: moves to cache
Step 3 for archival: deletes from cache
--comparebunchafterburning:deviceto Part step 3 - compare jukebox to cache
Undo archival sofar
Scripting options:
Run lua chunk in server, wait to finish
Run lua chunk in server, retn immediate
Run lua chunk in this dgate instance
Run lua file in this dgate instance
ConQuest supports a lot of compression and downsizing methods. These can be declared in
the file, using directives DroppedFileCompression, IncomingCompression and
ArchiveCompression in dicom.ini file and/or by using modifiers to AE Title (check AE TITLE
section below).
The following information was extracted from section 7.7 of the manual (file
/user/share/doc/conquest-dicom-server/windowsmanual.pdf.gz in this package):
Files dropped into the server will optionally be compressed, decompressed and/or
recompressed. Supported values are (expected compression ratio stated between brackets):
as store images as is, e.g. without changing the compression.
is store images as is, e.g. without changing the compression.
un uncompress NKI and/or JPEG compressed images
n1 fast NKI private loss-less compression mode 1 (50%)
n2 as n1 but with CRC check for errors (50%)
n3 fast NKI private loss-less compression mode 3 (40%)
n4 as n3 but with CRC check for errors (40%)
j1 JPEGLossless (retired, use J2 instead) (33%)
j2 JPEGLosslessNH14 (33%)
j3 JPEG baseline 1 (8 bit) lossy (8%)
j4 JPEGExtended2and4 lossy (15%)
j5 JPEGSpectralNH6and8 lossy (15%)
j6 JPEGFulllNH10and12 lossy (14%)
j3NN JPEG baseline 1 (8 bit) quality as defined (60..95 suggested)
j4NN JPEGExtended2and4 quality as defined (60..95 suggested)
j5NN JPEGSpectralNH6and8 quality as defined (60..95 suggested)
j6NN JPEGFulllNH10and12 quality as defined (60..95 suggested)
jk Lossless JPEG2000 (30%)
jl Lossy JPEG2000 (20%)
jlNN Lossy JPEG2000 bitrate as defined (1..20 suggested)
nj Highest NKI mode; but leaves JPEG as is (variable)
uj Uncompressed; but leaves JPEG as is (variable)
k1 Downsize image>1024 pixels wide/high to 1024 (variable)
k2 Downsize image>512 pixels wide/high to 512 (variable)
k4 Downsize image>256 pixels wide/high to 256 (variable)
k8 Downsize image>128 pixels wide/high to 128 (variable)
ka Downsize image>64 pixels wide/high to 64 (variable)
The default AE Title for ConQuest DICOM server in this package is CONQUESTSRV1 and this is
the AE Title you should use in DICOM viewers pointing to it. As a "bonus" feature, you can
use AE Title to declare the type of compression you'll be using between the viewer and the
server. just add ~XX to ConQuest AE Title, where XX is the compression algo/level you wish
to use. For instance, to use uncompressed images, the AE Title CONQUESTSRV1~un can be
declared in your DICOM node configuration in the viewer.
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