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dgtst - test the consistency of source graphs in parallel


dgtst [options] [gfile] [lfile]


The dgtst program checks, in a parallel way, the consistency of a Scotch source graph and,
in case of success, outputs some statistics regarding edge weights, vertex weights, and
vertex degrees.

It produces the very same results as the gtst(1) program of the Scotch sequential
distribution, but unlike this latter it can handle distributed graphs.

Source graph file gfile is either a centralized graph file, or a set of files representing
fragments of a distributed graph. The resulting statistics are stored in file lfile. When
file names are not specified, data is read from standard input and written to standard
output. Standard streams can also be explicitly represented by a dash '-'.

When the proper libraries have been included at compile time, dgtst can directly handle
compressed graphs, both as input and output. A stream is treated as compressed whenever
its name is postfixed with a compressed file extension, such as in 'brol.grf.bz2' or
'-.gz'. The compression formats which can be supported are the bzip2 format ('.bz2'), the
gzip format ('.gz'), and the lzma format ('.lzma', on input only).

dgtst bases on implementations of the MPI interface to spread work across the processing
elements. It is therefore not likely to be run directly, but instead through some launcher
command such as mpirun.


-h Display some help.

-rpnum Set root process for centralized files (default is 0).

-V Display program version and copyright.


Run dgtst on 5 processing elements to test the consistency of graph brol.grf

$ mpirun -np 5 dgtst brol.grf

Run dgord on 5 processing elements to test the consistency of a distributed graph stored
on graph fragment files brol5-0.dgr to brol5-4.dgr, and save the resulting ordering to
file brol.ord (see dgscat(1) for an explanation of the '%p' and '%r' sequences in names of
distributed graph fragments).

$ mpirun -np 5 dgtst brol%p-%r.dgr brol.ord

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