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dicomtocsv - Online in the Cloud

Run dicomtocsv in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command dicomtocsv that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dicomtocsv - vtk-dicom CLI


dicomtocsv [options] <directory>

-k tag=value
Provide a key to be queried and matched.

-q <query.txt>
Provide a file to describe the find query.

-o <data.csv>
Provide a file for the query results.

Search series for first nonzero value of each key.

--directory-only Use directory scan only, do not re-scan files.

Print one row for each study.

Print one row for each series (default).

Print one row for each image.

Do not report any progress information.

--help Print a brief help message.

Print the software version.

Dump selected metadata from a DICOM directory to a csv file. For each attribute to be
extracted, the tag can be given with "-k" (the "-k" option can be repeated as many times
as needed). Tags can given in hexadecimal GGGG,EEEE format, or in text format as
specified in the DICOM dictionary. Alternately, the tags can be listed in a query file
given with the "-q" option (one tag per line). Attributes nested within sequences can be
specified by giving a tag path e.g. "-k Tag1/Tag2/Tag3". Either a forward slash or a
backslash can be used to separate the components of the path. Private tags should be
preceded by the private dictionary name in square brackets.

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