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doveconf - Dovecot's configuration dumping utility


doveconf [-adnNSx] [-c config-file] [-f filter] [-m module]
doveconf [-n] [-c config-file] section_name ...
doveconf [-h] [-c config-file] [-f filter] setting_name ...


doveconf reads and parses Dovecot's configuration files and converts them into a simpler
format used by the rest of Dovecot. All standalone programs, such as dovecot(1) and
dovecot-lda(1), will first get their settings by executing doveconf.

For system administrators, doveconf is mainly useful for dumping the configuration in easy
human readable output.


-a Show all settings with their currently configured values.

-c config-file
read configuration from the given config-file. By default
/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf will be used.

-d Show the setting's default value instead of the one currently configured.

-f filter
Show the matching configuration for the specified filter condition. The filter
option string has to be given as name=value pair. For multiple filter conditions
the -f option can be supplied multiple times.
Possible names for the filter are:

lname The local hostname, e.g. mail.example.com. This will only match hostnames
which were configured like:
local_name mail.example.com { # special settings }

local The server's hostname or IP address. This will also match hostnames which
were configured like:
local imap.example.net { # special settings }

protocol, service
The protocol, e.g. imap or pop3

remote The client's hostname or IP address.

-h Hide the setting's name, show only the setting's value.

-m module
Show only settings for the given module.
e.g. imap, imap-login, lmtp, pop3 or pop3-login

-n Show only settings with non-default values.

-N Show settings with non-default values and explicitly set default values.

-S Dump settings in simplified machine parsable/readable format.

-x Expand configuration variables (e.g. $mail_plugins ⇒ quota) and show file contents
(from e.g. ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem).

Show only the current configuration of one or more specified sections.

Show only the setting of one or more setting_name(s) with the currently configured
value. You can show a setting inside a section using '/' as the section separator,
e.g. service/imap/executable.


When Dovecot was configured to use different settings for some networks/subnets it is
possible to show which settings will be applied for a specific connection.

doveconf -f local= -f remote= -f service=pop3 -n

doveconf can be also used to convert v1.x configuration files into v2.x format.

doveconf -n -c /oldpath/dovecot.conf > /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.new

This example shows how to ask doveconf for a global setting and a protocol specific
setting. The second command uses also the -h option, in order to hide the setting's name.

doveconf mail_plugins
mail_plugins = quota
doveconf -h -f protocol=imap mail_plugins
quota imap_quota

This example demonstrates how to dump a whole configuration section.

doveconf dict
dict {
quota = pgsql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext

Or how to dump only the quota dict:

doveconf dict/quota
dict/quota = pgsql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext


Report bugs, including doveconf -n output, to the Dovecot Mailing List
<[email protected]>. Information about reporting bugs is available at:

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