This is the command dpt-github-oauth that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
github-oauth - Generate GitHub OAuth2 token
github-oauth [note-text]
dpt github-oauth can be used for obtaining an OAuth2 token for authenticating to GitHub
services without the need to enter your password on every request. The reason for this
script is to allow you to populate the "DPT_GITHUB_OAUTH" setting in dpt.conf easily.
An alternative method for obtaining the token is to use the GitHub web interface,
Applications->Personal Access Tokens.
The token obtained with this program is authorized only for reporting issues.
The only supported argument, note-text, is a short note associated with the token. It is
used for easy distinguishing different tokens and their purpose. If not specified, the
string "pkg-perl-tools on host $HOSTNAME" is used, where $HOSTNAME is obtained via
The GitHub user name and password are prompted for and can't be supplied as command-line
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