dptest - Online in the Cloud

This is the command dptest that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dptest - test cases for QDBM Depot


dptest write [-s] name rnum bnum
dptest read [-wb] name
dptest rcat [-c] name rnum bnum pnum align
dptest combo name
dptest wicked [-c] name rnum


The command `dptest' is a utility for facility test and performance test. Check a
database generated by the command or measure the execution time of the command. This
command is used in the following format. `name' specifies a database name. `rnum'
specifies the number of the records. `bnum' specifies the number of the elements of the
bucket array. `pnum' specifies the number of patterns of the keys. `align' specifies the
basic size of alignment. `fbpsiz' specifies the size of the free block pool.

dptest write [-s] name rnum bnum
Store records with keys of 8 bytes. They change as `00000001', `00000002'...

dptest read [-wb] name
Retrieve all records of the database above.

dptest rcat [-c] name rnum bnum pnum align fbpsiz
Store records with partway duplicated keys using concatenate mode.

dptest combo name
Perform combination test of various operations.

dptest wicked [-c] name rnum
Perform updating operations selected at random.

Options feature the following.

-s : make the file sparse.
-wb : use the function `dpgetwb' instead of the function `dpget'.
-c : perform comparison test with map of Cabin.

This command returns 0 on success, another on failure. The environment variable
`QDBMDBGFD' specifies the file descriptor to output the history of updating the variable

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