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dropbox - Online in the Cloud

Run dropbox in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command dropbox that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dropbox - A command line interface to the Dropbox service


dropbox status
dropbox help [COMMAND]
dropbox puburl FILE
dropbox stop
dropbox running
dropbox update
dropbox start [-i]
dropbox filestatus [-l] [-a] [FILE]...
dropbox ls [FILE]...
dropbox autostart [y/n]
dropbox exclude [list]
dropbox lansync [y/n]


The dropbox command provides a command line interface to the Dropbox, the easiest online
file storage, synchronization and sharing service.


dropbox status
Prints out the current status of the Dropbox daemon.

dropbox help [COMMAND]
With no arguments, print a list of commands and a short description of each. With a command, print descriptive help on how to use the command.

dropbox puburl FILE
Prints out a public url for FILE.

dropbox stop
Stops the dropbox daemon.

dropbox running
Returns 1 if running 0 if not running.

dropbox update
Downloads the latest version of dropbox.

dropbox start [-i]
Starts the dropbox daemon, dropboxd. If dropboxd is already running, this will do nothing.

-i --install auto install dropboxd if not available on the system

dropbox filestatus [-l] [-a] [FILE]...
Prints the current status of each FILE.

-l --list prints out information in a format similar to ls. works best when your console supports color :)
-a --all do not ignore entries starting with .

Aliases: stat

dropbox ls [FILE]...
This is an alias for filestatus -l

dropbox autostart [y/n]
n dropbox will not start automatically at login
y dropbox will start automatically at login (default)

Note: May only work on current Ubuntu distributions.

dropbox exclude [list]dropbox exclude add [DIRECTORY] [DIRECTORY] ...
dropbox exclude remove [DIRECTORY] [DIRECTORY] ...

"list" prints a list of directories currently excluded from syncing.
"add" adds one or more directories to the exclusion list, then resynchronizes Dropbox.
"remove" removes one or more directories from the exclusion list, then resynchronizes Dropbox.
With no arguments, executes "list".
Any specified path must be within Dropbox.

dropbox lansync [y/n]
y dropbox will use LAN sync (default)
n dropbox will not use LAN sync

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