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E3 - A mini text editor


e3[ws|em|pi|vi|ne] [filename]


e3 is a complete mini application written fully in assembler, with a code size less than
10000 byte. There is a status & input line, where you can enter filenames, blocknames,
find-texts and line numbers. The editor commands are similary the families of Wordstar-
like or Emacs or Pico or vi or Nedit editors. For online help press ESC:h in vi mode,
else Alt-H. This man page describes Wordstar key bindings only.


^A Go word left

^C Go page down

^D Go right

^E Go up

^F Go word right

^G Delete current character

^H Delete left character

^I Tabulator

^J Get online help

^KB Set block start marker

^KC Copy current block

^KD Save file and load a new one

^KK Set block end marker

^KQ Abort editing and exit. Confirm with Y or y that your changes are lost.

^KR Insert a file as a new block

^KS Save file and continue editing

^KV Move current block inside file

^KW Save a block into a file

^KX Save file and exit

^KY Delete text a block

^KZ Suspend (simple ^Z in other editor modes)

^L Repeat last ^QF or ^QA

^M Enter new line

^QA Search & Replace (a prompt appears). For options compare ^QF.

^QB Go to block begin

^QC Go to end of file

^QD Go to end of line

^QE Go to top of screen: 1st columne, 1st line

^QF Find a text string (a prompt appears). Valid options are Case sensitive and
Backward. You could abort via pressing ^U . This options are equal to e3em, e3pi,
e3ne, but their abort keys are ^G and ^C.

^QG Delete character under cursor

^QG Delete character left of cursor

Delete up to line begin

^QI Go to line number (prompt appears)

^QK Go to block end

^QR Go to file begin

^QS Go to line begin

^QV Go to last postion of find

^QW Go to previous word

^QX Go to bottom of window (last line, end of line)

^QY Delete to line end

^QZ Go to next word

^R Go page up

^S Go left

^T Delete to next word

^U Undo the last operation. Also abort input in status line (this is used for
^QI,^QF,^KR,^KW etc.)

^V Toggle insert mode

^W Scroll up

^X Go down

^Y Delete current line

^Z Scroll down


e3 has an UNDO mode starting in v2.2. There is no predefined UNDO level count. You can
expect to UNDO at least one last insert-, delete-, overwrite- or sed_pipe-operation, but
in most cases there are lots of UNDO stages available. e3 has a fixed size undo buffer and
will use an external helper file if some deleted data is bigger sized than the undo
buffer. This buffer is organized as a ring, overwriting older UNDO information if
neccessary. So one never can say exactly how many UNDO operations are possible. For using
the UNDO press one of:

^U in Wordstar mode

^QU in Pico mode

^_ in Emacs mode

u in vi command mode

^U in Nedit mode


e3 has an arithmetic calculator built in for some simple arithmetic calculations inside
your text. Place cursor at begin of the task i.e. something like: -3.002*-(2--3)= and
press one of:

^KN in Wordstar mode

^QC in Pico mode

^X^N in Emacs mode

# in vi command mode

^K in Nedit mode

This will insert the result into text. Use the values between -999999999999.999999 ...
999999999999.999999 with up to 6 decimal digits and the operators +-*/ and parenthesis (
). Also available are p for constant PI and r for accessing the result of last


You can switch to other editor mode by pressing one of:

^KM in Wordstar mode

^QM in Pico mode

altX in Emacs mode

<ESC>; in vi command mode

^E in Nedit mode

e3 will set a prompt SET MODE . Now enter one of e3ws, e3em, e3pi, e3vi, e3ne for setting
Wordstar-like or Emacs or Pico or vi or Nedit style.


e3 accepts a filename for text editing. Switch the editor mode depending of the binary
name, one of e3ws, e3em, e3pi, e3vi, e3ne

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